Star Wars Fanpedia

This is a list of references to Star Wars in video games.


  • During the "Wolfriders" quest, once the player has discovered Ravir and his mount in the attic of an inn, he says "We're not the wolves you're looking for," the player then responds: "Mind tricks don't work on me". These are a reference to Obi-Wan Kenobi's famous line in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope: "These aren't the droids you're looking for" and Watto's answer to Qui-Gon Jinn's attempt to manipulate him in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.

AdventureQuest Worlds[]

  • There are some beam weapons in AdventureQuest Worlds known as 'Star Swords' - with the description "This blade seems to harness the power of light itself. It's a force to be reckoned with" - which is a reference to lightsabers, the Force, and Star Wars. This includes variations of this, namely 'Sun Sabre', 'Red Star Sword', 'Heart Sabre' and 'Golden Starsword'. Plus there are weapons known as WarpForce Beamswords with the corresponding color in the name (they are from a game called WarpForce which was created by the same company). On top of that, there is a Captain's Plasma Blade and (to a lesser extent) a Star Slasher which also resemble lightsabers.


  • In this LucasArts' "God game", excessive cheating leads to a dialog box written "I feel a disturbance in the Force...", and after responding to it, a Death Star appears and destroys some of the player's buildings with a Superlaser fire sequence.

Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings[]

  • In the 4th Saladin campaign, the Master of the Templar says "If you strike me down now, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine", the same as Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.



The Boil is a wretched hive of scum and villainy

  • Outside the city of Tarant is a ghetto neighborhood called the Boil, controlled by rival gangs, an area so dangerous the town guards dare not enter. One of the guards refers to it as a "wretched hive of scum and villainy," quoting Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars, referring to Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope a package for an alchemist named Jongle Donne, the shopkeeper in Dernholm tells you, "That wizard is just a crazy old man," quoting Owen Lars from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
  • The main character's companion and sidekick Virgil encounters his old mentor who turned him from a life of petty thievery, a priest named Father Joachim. In the good path, this encounter provides helpful information. In the evil path, Joachim appears to make a desperate plea for Virgil to stop, and when he refuses, tries to stand in his way. One of Virgil's taunts to Joachim is "Your powers are weak, old man," quoting Darth Vader from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

The Bard's Tale[]

  • At one point the Bard, the player's character, is involved in the summoning of a ghost. When the ghost vanishes without finishing its warning, the Bard protests to the summoner that he "Bring him back! Play back the entire message!".

Bakugan: Champions of Vestroia[]

  • While walking on the south side of Zydeco Beach, you can accept a side quest from a girl named Annie. She describes her hatred of sand by saying it’s gritty, rough, bothersome and gets everywhere. This is a direct reference to Anakin’s infamous line in Attack of the Clones while speaking to Senator Amidala.

Batman: Arkham Origins[]

  • In the beginning of the DLC storyline Cold, Cold Heart, Penguin's men make an explosive entry into Wayne Manor, with Mr. Freeze following them in shortly thereafter, similar to Darth Vader's debut scene in the beginning of A New Hope.

BlackSite: Area 51[]

  • While driving through a trench in an enemy controlled oil refinery; one of your allies (who is driving the jeep you are riding in) will say the following: "Red leader, I've turned off my targeting computer. I find your lack of faith disturbing." This is in response to another teammate complaining about the fact that the driver is not using a GPS.

Body Harvest[]

  • Amongst many references to modern culture in the scenery and signs, on the island of Java in 1947, a torpedo boat is found in a small village called Mosy Isle, a reference to Mos Eisley. The sign in town reveals Mosy Isle to be "a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Be cautious."

Bloons Tower Defense[]

  • In Bloons Tower Defense 4, the last upgrade to the Boomerang Thrower, it gives the tower a double-bladed lightsaber and jedi robes
  • In Bloons Tower Defense 5, the last upgrade to the Super Monkey on the second path is called a Technological Terror and in the description it says "be proud of this Technological Terror you've constructed...", a parody of Darth Vader in A New Hope on his comment to an Officer; "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed".


  • The protagonists have a lightsaber fight with a spider during the bonus cinematic at the end of the game.

Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars[]

Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon[]

  • During the scene inside the Armillary, the Grand Master (whose robes are similar to those worn by Darth Sidious) kills Susarro with a power that resembles Force lightning.

Call of Duty: Black Ops[]

  • In the Zombie mode called "Five," President Kennedy says "Ancient weapons are no substitute for a ray gun at your side," referencing Han Solo's line in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
  • In the Zombie mode called "Five," President Kennedy says "And I thought they smelled bad on the outside," referencing Han Solo's line in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.
  • One of the achievements is entitled "Fully Armed and Operational," referencing Emperor Palpatine's line in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.

Call of Duty: World at War[]

  • In Call of Duty: World at War, there is an Achievement/Trophy from the second DLC Map Pack titled "It's a Trap," referencing Admiral Ackbar's line from Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.

Chrono Cross[]

  • A possible reference made is when Lynx turns out to be Serge's long-lost father. Unlike Star Wars, a ghost child Crono tells Serge's father Wazuki is Lynx.

Chrono Trigger[]

  • In Norstein Bekkler's lab, there is a mini game that involves three soldiers named Vicks, Wedge, and Piette. They were named after Biggs Darklighter ("Vicks" is a translation error), Wedge Antilles, and Admiral Piett. In the 2008 DS re-release of this game, "Vicks" is corrected to "Biggs".

Civil War Secret Missions[]

Conker's Bad Fur Day[]

  • When Conker first meets Gregg, he will say "Aren't you a little short to be a Grim Reaper?", just like Princess Leia says "Aren't you a little too short for a Stormtrooper?" when she first meets Luke in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
  • The window behind The Panther King is the same as the one in Emperor's Throne Room from Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
  • Also, in the remake a whole level is based on Star Wars. The squirrels land on Doon, which is very similar to Tatooine, with the Millennium Falcon, and their mission is to kill the frozen Panther King, just like Han Solo.

Crash Bandicoot (series)[]

  • In Crash Twinsanity, the first time you see the Robotic Ants, they have weapons that resemble lightsabers.
  • In Crash Tag Team Racing, Pasadena says "Striking me down will only make me stronger".
  • In Crash Tag Team Racing, Coco says "Judge me by my size do you?", and "Red leader, I'm starting my attack run!" (You must activate a removed character lines cheat to hear the latter). Cortex will also say "Impressive, most impressive."
  • In Crash of the Titans, Uka Uka says "A tremor in the Mojo! The last time I felt it was in the presence of my older brother, Aku Aku." Also the title for the first level is "A New Hop".
  • In Crash: Mind Over Mutant, N.Gin makes his first appearance in the game with a staff and briefly impersonates the bray of a Tusken Raider.

Custom Robo[]

  • At one point in the game, the character Marcei ends up acting unusual, with her apparently being reluctant to fight. The only thing known about her reasons had something to do with her brother Sergei, until Harry gets her to snap out of it during the Custom Robo tournament. It is later revealed that she had been acting this way because she recognized one of the high-ranking officers to the Z-Syndicate as being Sergei, similar to Luke Skywalker's behavior upon learning that Darth Vader was in fact his father.
    • In addition, Sergei eventually turns on his boss, Oboro, similar to Vader turning against Palpatine. Both instances also involved their family members as being the reason for turning against them (Marcei in Sergei's case, Luke in Vader's case).


  • In the cutscene where Osmo gives Daxter an electric fly-swatter, he calls it "An elegant weapon of a more civilized time", quoting Ben Kenobi's famous line.

Day of the Tentacle[]

  • A portrait of Darth Vader can be seen on a Star Wars calendar behind the front desk in the mansion's lobby.
  • In the TV commercial where Bernard Bernoulli hears about the real diamond, the commercial's announcer says that the phone number for the diamond is 1-800-STAR WARS. This was (at the time) the number for the LucasArts Store.
  • An Imperial stormtrooper helmet can be found on top of a shelf in the tentacles' bedroom.

Dead Space[]

  • At one point in the game, Zach Hammond says, "I have a really bad feeling about this."
  • There is an achievement called "Don't get cocky, kid.", referencing Han Solo's line.

Dead Space 3[]

  • At one point, Isaac Clarke says, "Here's where the fun begins," mimicking Anakin Skywalker's line in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.

Deus Ex[]

  • A list of movies rented by the protagonists brother, Paul Denton, includes Blue Harvest, a production code for a fake title in Episode VI, as well as the fictional film See You Next Wednesday which is referenced in most John Landis films.
  • The game also features the Dragon's Tooth sword, a nanotechnology based weapon with a resemblance to the lightsaber.


  • At one point of the game Rincewind says: "Luke, I am your father."

Donkey Kong Country[]

  • Some of the levels that take place on houses on high trees, such as "Tree Top Town" is reminiscent of the Ewok village in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi and Star Wars: Ewoks.

Dragon Age Origins[]

  • The quest "Rescue the Queen". After confronting Arl Howe, the next time you find Queen Anora she will be wearing a guard's uniform. A possible greeting is "Aren't you a little short to be a guard?"

Dragon Ball[]

  • One of King Piccolo's attack's is named "Don't Get Cocky Kid", a reference to Han Solo's famous line.


  • One of the missions is called "Run of the Kessel" and it involves the piloting of a ship called the Kessel, which is described as being the fastest ship ever in the game. This is a definite reference to the Kessel run mentioned in Star Wars IV: A New Hope by Han Solo.

Duke Nukem 3D[]

  • After encountering a corpse dressed in stormtrooper armor hanging upside down in a cavern in the "Lunar Reactor" level, Duke Nukem comments with "Now this is the Force to be reckoned with!"
    • In the Steam release of the Megaton Edition, finding the corpse earns the achievement "Duke, use the force!", the emblem for the achievement features a picture of Duke in Jedi robes and holding a blue lightsaber.

Ed, Edd n' Eddy: The Mis-Edventures[]

  • In the bonus level "Rebel Robot Ranch", Double D wields a lightsaber in place of his normal ruler.

Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind[]

  • One of the cities in the game is called Balmora, a possible reference to the planet Balmorra.

Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon[]

  • When exploring the ice cave of Bjorn, one can find a skeleton hanging upside down from the ceiling of the ice cavern, reaching for his sword, a reference to Luke Skywalker's imprisonment by the wampa in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion[]

  • During the Battle of Kvatch, when the player character enters the Oblivion Gate, there will be a river of lava a short distance away from the sole survivor of the battle. Though the body is burned far beyond recognition, it is missing two legs, severed at the knee, and one arm, a possible reference to Darth Vader.

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim[]

  • Like in Bloodmoon, when exploring Bleakcoast Cave, you'll find a snow troll near another skeleton hanging upside down from the ceiling and reaching for his sword in the ice.

Fallout: New Vegas[]

  • In Fallout: New Vegas, if you select the Wild Wasteland trait, you will find the burnt corpses of two people named Owen and Beru outside of a camper in the town of Nipton.
  • After killing an assassin attempting to kill NCR president, Aaron Kimball, the player can radio the head of security. When asked for a report, the player has the option to respond with the line, "We're all fine here, thank you! How are you?".

Far Cry 4[]

  • The signature weapon HS77 is modeled after Han Solo's blaster from the Star Wars movies. and is also named has such with "HS" meaning Han Solo and "77" meaning the year the first movie released (1977)

Fate/Grand Orderr[]

  • In Fate/Grand Order, a limited time event is called "Saber Wars". It's obviously parody of "Star Wars".

Fate: The Traitor Soul[]

  • In Fate: The Traitor Soul the player can equip a glowing sword initled "Lite Sabre" that go alongsides another glowing blade intitled "Light Sword" that resembles Sting from The Lord of the Rings.

Final Fantasy series[]

  • Throughout the Final Fantasy games, there are the minor characters Biggs and Wedge which pay homage to the characters Biggs Darklighter and Wedge Antilles. First appearing in VI, Biggs (called "Vicks" in the original translation as in Chrono Trigger and later corrected in later releases) and Wedge are Imperial Soldiers escorting the witch, Terra. In VII, Biggs and Wedge are members of Barret Wallace's rebel group AVALANCHE. In VIII, Biggs are Wedge are Galbadian Soldiers that serve as comic relief. In the Japanese version of Final Fantasy IX, they are guards on the route between Alexandria and Lindblum. (In the International Versions, they are named "Tall Guard" and "Short Guard" for unknown reasons.) In Final Fantasy X, they are Blitzball players. In Final Fantasy XI, Biggs and Wedge are Aht Urghan Mercenaries.
  • In the remakes for Final Fantasy II, Cid's airship, containing Princess Hilda, is captured by the Empire of Palamecia's dreadnought in a manner mirroring the opening scene for A New Hope.
    • In addition, Leon was initially an ally to the players until he ended up captured and brainwashed into becoming a dark-armored enforcer for the Empire and capable of controlling people via magic, and was also a blood relative to one of the protagonists (in this case, the brother of Maria), and eventually defects to their side and takes down the Emperor, similar to Darth Vader.
    • The Emperor also briefly revives himself from the dead beforehand, similar to how Palpatine managed to revive himself in the Dark Empire comics within the Legends Expanded Universe.
  • In Final Fantasy IV, the King of Baron's airship fleet is named the Red Wings (a reference to Red Squadron). An airship that is commandeered later in the game is named the Falcon, a possible reference to the Millennium Falcon. In order for Cecil to become a Paladin, he must face himself as a Dark Knight and do nothing, similar to Luke's ordeal in the cave.
    • In addition, the main antagonist, Golbez, bore several similarities to Darth Vader, including having strong potential in magic, being clad entirely in dark armor, changing his name after traumatic circumstances resulting in him being turned to evil, being revealed to be Cecil's brother in a similar manner to Darth Vader being revealed to be Luke's father, and eventually turning back to good and attempting to defeat the true villain in the game, the renegade Lunarian Zemus, who bore several similarities to Emperor Palpatine. In some versions, he was even given a voice similar to that of Vader.
  • In Final Fantasy VI, Celes tells Locke he's a little short for a soldier when he rescues her. Locke replied by saying, "Oh, I forgot I was wearing a uniform!"
  • Kefka also throws Emperor Gestahl off the floating continent, similar to how Darth Vader threw Palpatine into the reactor.
  • In Final Fantasy VII, the character Red XIII's real name is Nanaki, which is actually an anagram of Anakin Skywalker.
    • Yuffie says to Vincent "I have a bad feeling about this."
    • There are two characters named Biggs and Wedge.
  • In Final Fantasy VIII, the headmaster of Galbadia Garden's name was Dodonna in the original Japanese release. The young Garden student who graduated in SeeD with Squall, Zell and Selphie is called 'Needa' whereas an Esthar officer in the Space Station, is called 'Firmus Piett'.
  • At the end of Final Fantasy IX, part of Necron's speech were "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." This line was spoken by Yoda in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Additionally, Kuja at one point states that "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen," an exact match of Palpatine's line in Return of the Jedi.
  • In Final Fantasy X, Biggs and Wedge guard the Blitzball stadium in Luca and can be recruited for your blitzball team. They are considered upper-tier players in blitzball. The duo also appear in Final Fantasy X-2 as part of the Gullwings' Blitzball team.
  • In Final Fantasy Tactics the character T.G. Cid \ Orlandu bears a striking resemblance to Obi-Wan Kenobi.
  • Final Fantasy XII has been noted for having a plot that is similar in many ways to the original Star Wars. Many of the major characters are members of the Resistance against the tyrannical Archadian Empire. The main playable character, Vaan, however, is an orphan boy in a city oppressed by the Empire, who sometimes trains by fighting rats in the sewers and longs to one day fly in the sky as a "sky pirate." He eventually becomes involved with the Resistance, including a dashing Han Solo-like sky pirate named Balthier who values treasures and Ashe, a somewhat sarcastic princess most believed to be dead. Besides these, the following may also be referential of the franchise:
    • One of the deserts is inhabited by enemies that resemble Tusken Raiders.
    • One of the main antagonists, Gabranth, was a former hero, but due to failure to protect his native land and self-hatred, he became a ruthless high-ranking official in the Empire, was clad mostly in dark armor, and was also revealed to be the twin brother of one of the protagonists, similar to Darth Vader. In addition, similar to Vader, he manages to turn back to good and redeems himself by attacking the Emperor.
    • During a sequence in which Vaan has to slip past Imperial grunts, he may call out "Hey, buckethead!" as a means of distracting them.
    • Biggs and Wedge make a return, but are members of the Empire, and go by the names "Gibbs and Deweg."
    • When Vayne Solidor kills his father, the Emperor Gramis and declares himself Emperor, he quickly dissolves the Imperial Senate of Archades.
  • In Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2, a scene in which the main character discovers the wizard Lezaford heavily mirrors the scenes in which Luke discovers Ben Kenobi as Obi-Wan, as well as discovering Yoda's identity- stranger still is Lezaford's appearance, which seems to draw some small inspiration from Yoda. There are quests entitled "It's a Trap" and "I've Got a Bad Feeling." A "Lightsaber" with a blue blade is also an available weapon.
  • In Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, the character Genesis Rhapsodos wields a sword that looks strikingly similar to a lightsaber.
  • In the Dissidia subseries of Final Fantasy, Golbez, in addition to the already mentioned similarities to Vader, was also voiced in the English version in a similar manner to Vader. In addition, one of his attacks, Cosmic Ray, had him firing electricity out of his hands in a manner similar to Force Lightning. In one cutscene for Dissidia 012, Golbez meets up with Emperor Mateus from Final Fantasy II at Pandaemonium's throne room and has a meeting with him regarding the progress of the war and the possibility of there being a mole in Chaos' faction that's similar in nature to Vader's meeting with Emperor Palpatine in The Empire Strikes Back.


  • In the game there are two achievements with names influenced by Star Wars: "Han Shoots First" and "Use the Force...Field".

Full Throttle[]

  • Adrian Ripburger, the main antagonist of the game, is played by Mark Hamill; voicing Luke Skywalker in Star Wars.
  • At one point of the game, reporter Miranda says to the main character: "Help me, Ben. You're my only hope!"
  • Members of the Cavefish Gang resemble Tusken Raiders.
  • During Mine Road fights, one of the RotWheelers has a Rebel Alliance Tattoo on his forehead.
  • George Lucas is one of the Demolition Derby contestants.

GTA: San Andreas[]

  • The character Zero tells the protagonist "Great kid, don't get cocky" during a mission to shoot down remote control airplanes off of a roof.

Guild Wars Nightfall[]

  • During the Pogahn Passage mission, several references to Star Wars are made.
  • Gandara, the location of the mission, is called the Moon Fortress, similar to the Death Star.
  • Two heroes, Margrid and Zhed, will reenact the "handcuffs" dialogue from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, if they are both present.
  • If Zhed is present, the player character will tell the guards he is a prisoner transfer from cell 1138.
  • One of the options given while speaking to a guard while relaying the password is "Blue Harvest", the production code for Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
  • If you refuse to escort a group of prisoners, the dialogue will be "These are not the guards you're looking for," a reference to Obi-Wan Kenobi's dialogue in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
  • The code for the prison that must be infiltrated is 20-1-8-7, which happens to be the same cell number as Princess Leia.
  • There is a spell named Ebon Hawk.

Guitar Hero series[]

  • In Guitar Hero World Tour, one of the guitar designs is named "Dearth Fader," a reference to Darth Vader.

Halo series[]

  • "I have a bad feeling about this" has been said in both Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2.
  • 343 Guilty Spark's personality strongly resembles that of C-3PO's.
  • The Wraith vehicle used by the Covenant looks very similar to a CIS AAT.
  • The main orchestral theme in the Halo games sounds similar to the "Duel of the Fates" song, first introduced in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.
  • 343 Industries at times completes their messages to the Halo community by saying "May the credits be with you."
  • In all of the Halo games, plasma weapons have been used. There has even been a weapon called an energy sword, and it resembles a lightsaber: You can block it with another, they are fatal to the touch, they glow, and they make a clashing noise whenever smashed against each other.

Halo Combat Evolved[]

  • The very beginning of Halo: Combat Evolved is very similar to the beginning of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, in which the Pillar of Autumn exits slip-space to a remote planet, in which the aliens follow. The ship is overwhelmed and the Master Chief uses an escape pod to evacuate it before it crashes.

Halo 2[]

  • When the Covenant board the orbital platform at the start of Halo 2, they enter a door in a similar fashion to the opening scenes on Tantive IV in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

Halo 3: ODST[]

  • In Halo 3: ODST, on the level Coastal Highway, a Covenant Carrier appears in the distance, and Buck comments saying "Look at the size of that thing," quoting Wedge Antilles's line in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
  • In Halo 3: ODST, a marine will at times yell "Stay on target," mimicking Davish Krail from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

Halo: Reach[]

  • In Halo: Reach, when the IWHBYD skull is turned on, a marine will comment on the brutes saying "Hey, don't they look like Wookiees? You know, from Star Wars? Ah forget it, it's for kids anyway."
  • In Halo: Reach, during the ONI: Sword Base mission, "Echo base this is 5-7" is stated, mimicking Luke Skywalker's line from Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.
  • In Halo: Reach, during the Exodus mission, Noble 6 can be heard saying "The last transport is away," mimicking the line "The first transport is away!" from Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.
  • In Halo: Reach, during The Long Night of Solace mission, a pilot sometimes states that the current dogfight is "Just like shooting swamp rats back home," mimicking Luke Skywalker's line from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
  • In Halo: Reach, during The Long Night of Solace mission, a pilot can sometimes be heard saying "That was one in a million," referencing Han Solo's line from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
  • In Halo: Reach, during the game Kat tells Noble 6 that "It's a trap."
  • In Halo: Reach, there is an achievement for the Xbox 360 that is called "An elegant weapon," referencing Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
  • In Halo: Reach, one of the daily challenges is called "You want this, don't you?" mimicking Palpatine at the end of Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
  • In Halo: Reach, one of the daily challenges is called "Not as clumsy or random..." referencing what Obi-Wan Kenobi said to Luke Skywalker in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
  • In Halo: Reach, one of the daily challenges is called "Lost Tyree, Lost Hutch," referencing Jon Vander, sometimes called "Hutch," and Tiree from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
  • In Halo: Reach, one of the daily challenges is called "You may fire when ready," referencing Wilhuff Tarkin's line in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary[]

  • In Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, one of the achievements for the Xbox 360 is called "Never tell me the odds," referencing Han Solo's statement in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.

Halo 4[]

  • In Halo 4, there is a challenge called "That's no moon," referencing Obi-Wan Kenobi's line in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
  • The final level, "Midnight" resembles the attack on the First Death Star. In it, the Master Chief flies a Broadsword through trenches and tunnels on the Didact's ship.


Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb[]

Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius[]

The game is based on the Jimmy Neutron movie features numerous Star Wars references Including:

  • The Yokian Commander wanted to attack the Rebel Base found in Earth.
  • Ms. Fowl tells Jimmy Neutron before captured in the Yokian Commander's ship, she paraphrases Princess Leia's line, "Jimmy, you're our only hope!"
  • The Yokian Commander says "You have failed me for the last time, lieutenant."

Kingdom Hearts II[]

  • The final boss Xemnas wields two weapons very similar to red and blue lightsabers.
  • In the game, King Mickey, despite his small size, can flip around and attack with great agility, much like Yoda in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones and Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.
  • The Gummi Ship level "Assault of the Dreadnought" has a giant cube-like version of the Death Star, with a similar beam that it fires if you don't destroy it from the inside
  • The weapons shop in the game is run by "Biggs", and the armor shop is run by "Wedge". This is again a reference to Biggs Darklighter and Wedge Antilles and is carried off from the Final Fantasy series due to the fact that both Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy are both made by Square-Enix. Specifically, these are the incarnations from Final Fantasy VII.

Kirby series[]

  • In Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards's true ending, the heroes (Kirby, Ribbon, Waddle Dee, Andeline, and King Dedede) escape from the doomed Dark Star in a similar manner to the surviving squadrons leaving the Death Star before it exploded in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Similarly, the queen of Ripple Star gives the heroes medals based on the Crystal, similar to the Royal Award Ceremony in the ending of the same film.
    • In the same game, one of Kirby's abilities, the double-bladed laser sword (created from absorbing both an electric-type enemy and a cutter-type enemy), bore a large resemblance to a double-bladed lightsaber, which was famously used by Darth Maul in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. The similarity was even mentioned in Nintendo Power's description of the power-up, where it states that the weapons usage was "get[ting] all Darth Maul on enemies."

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess[]

  • When Zelda explains how Zant conquered her kingdom, the flashback shows Zelda and her royal guard pinned in the throne room awaiting the Twilit creatures arrival only for several guards to be slaughtered by the surge of Twilit messengers while Zant walks in calmly afterward, mirroring Darth Vader's debut in A New Hope.

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass[]

  • In the French version of the game, the boss Cyclok's name was Poulpatine, Empereur du Vent, which was a direct reference to Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars.

Lizzie McGuire: Lizzie's Misadventures in HillRidge[]

  • Lizzie McGuire (Hilary Duff), Timmy Turner (Tara Strong), Miranda (LaLaine) and Gordo (Adam Lamberg) are walking with Invader Zim (Richard Horvitz) in the hallway of HillRidge Jr. High with Cosmo (Daran Norris) and Wanda (Susanne Blakeslee), the poster for Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace is on a wall.
  • Kate Sanders (Ashlie Brillault) and Gaz Membrane (Melissa Fahn) are looking at the Cheerleader tryouts at HillRidge Junior High, Gaz mentions the Battle of Yavin.
  • When Blossom (Cathy Cavadini) is flying in the sky across the city of HillRidge, an X-Wing fighter is briefly seen in the Sci-Fi convention.
  • Lizzie's little brother; Matt McGuire (Jake Thomas) is looking at the clues with his silent friend Lanny Onasis (Christian Copelin), Anakin Skywalker's Podracer from The Phantom Menace is shown in the background.
  • When Dib Membrane (Andy Berman) and Ethan Craft (Clayton Snyder) are looking at the lockers at HillRidge Junior High, Dib mentions fixing the hyperdrive, stopping through an asteroid field and almost being swallowed by a monster in space.
  • Mojo Jojo (Roger L. Jackson) tells the description for the plans while holding a blueprint for his mini robot leg walkers "AT-AT Walker", he mentions Luke Skywalker blowing up the Death Star.
  • Lizzie is walking for an adventure across the city of HillRidge with Timmy, Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup, Timmy wields a lightsaber. The weapon even uses the same sound effects as in A New Hope.
  • Professor Utonium (Tom Kane) is piloting the helicopter, he says "We explored and discovered the universe together, especially in that space movie."
  • When Buttercup (E.G. Daily) puts up a Luke's Landspeeder accessory on the table in Lizzie's Room at the McGuire home.
  • Jorgen Von Strangle (also voiced by Daran Norris) has his awesome muscles and using fairy powers, he mentions a "tractor beam".
  • When Timmy and Lizzie are in HillRidge Junior High with Miranda, Gordo, Zim, Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup, Almighty Tallest Red (Wally Wingert) makes a reference to the Death Star trench run.
  • Bubbles (Tara Strong) is looking at the hallway of HillRidge Jr. High, she makes a reference to Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.
  • When The Mayor of Townsville (Tom Kenny) pulls out the election speeches in the Townsville City Hall with Ms. Sara Bellum (Jennifer Martin) at the city of HillRidge, Mayor mentions the speeder bike.
  • Fuzzy Lumpkins (Jim Cummings) is looking at the pile of junk in Fuzzy Lumpkin's Shack at HillRidge, you can see a TIE fighter from Star Wars as he carries his banjo guitar.
  • When Timmy and Lizzie are walking through the Style Shack, HillRidge Junior High, Digital Bean and the fashion show, they were dressed as Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.
  • Mojo Jojo controls his mini robot leg walkers, in a same fashion as the AT-AT Imperial Walker. Much like Luke Skywalker coming up to an AT-AT and tosses a concussion grenade inside the robot leg walkers in The Empire Strikes Back. Timmy used a magnetic harpoon gun at the football field in HillRidge Junior High to lift he and Lizzie underneath Mojo's robot leg walkers, where Timmy used his lightsaber, removes the electrical cables and tosses a concussion grenade inside the robot leg walkers, however, Mojo Jojo escapes and the robot leg walkers explodes.
  • When Lizzie, Miranda, Gordo, Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda and Zim are walking to the streets in the city of HillRidge with Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup, the Naboo N-1 Starfighter makes a brief appearance.
  • Professor Utonium protests to Buttercup that he battle against Mojo Jojo's Mini Robot Leg Walkers "Bring him back! Play back the entire message!"
  • The poster for the original Star Wars movie is seen at the Style Shack.
  • When Lizzie and Timmy (with Cosmo and Wanda) are running in the streets of HillRidge with Miranda, Gordo, Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup, Zim and GIR, this references the speeder bike chase scene in Return of the Jedi.

The Lizzie McGuire Movie[]

The game is based on the Disney movie features numerous Star Wars references including:

  • Lizzie McGuire (Hilary Duff), Timmy Turner (Tara Strong), Cosmo (Daran Norris), Wanda (Susanne Blakeslee), Miranda (LaLaine) and Gordo (Adam Lamberg) are walking with Invader Zim (Richard Horvitz) in the hallway of HillRidge Jr. High, the cutout standees of C-3PO and R2-D2 seen in the background.
  • Kate Sanders (Ashlie Brillault) and Gaz Membrane (Melissa Fahn) are looking at the Cheerleader tryouts at HillRidge Junior High, Gaz references the Battle of Naboo.
  • When Blossom (Cathy Cavadini) is flying across the city of HillRidge, you can see an X-Wing fighter on display in the Style Shack.
  • Lizzie's little brother; Matt McGuire (Jake Thomas) is looking at the clues with his silent friend Lanny Onasis (Christian Copelin), Anakin Skywalker's Podracer from The Phantom Menace is shown.
  • When Dib Membrane (Andy Berman) and Ethan Craft (Clayton Snyder) are looking at the lockers at HillRidge Junior High, Dib mentions the Pod racer from Episode I: The Phantom Menace.
  • Mojo Jojo (Roger L. Jackson) tells the description of his problem of take over the world plot while piloting a small hovercraft, he briefly quotes Darth Vader in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope on his comment to an Officer; "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed".
  • Professor Utonium (Tom Kane) is looking at the Antidote X, he says "We explored and discovered the universe together, like a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away."
  • When Buttercup (E.G. Daily) puts up the Snowspeeder, TIE Fighter, X-wing starfighter and AT-AT toys on the table in Lizzie's Room at the McGuire home.
  • Jorgen Von Strangle (also voiced by Daran Norris) has some magic power plans with Da Rules, he briefly mentioned Star Wars.
  • Bubbles (also voiced by Tara Strong) is looking at the hallway of HillRidge Junior High, in which she mentions that Luke Skywalker and the hand was replaced by the robotic hand in Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.
  • When The Mayor of Townsville (Tom Kenny) pulls out the election speeches in the Townsville City Hall with Ms. Sara Bellum (Jennifer Martin) at the city of HillRidge, Mayor mentions the speeder bike chase in the Endor Moon from Return of the Jedi.
  • Fuzzy Lumpkins (Jim Cummings) is looking at the souvenirs in the Style Shack, there is a J-type 327 Nubian royal starship with the T-14 hyperdrive generator from The Phantom Menace.
  • During the boss level, Timmy battles Mojo Jojo Robot clone (also voiced by Roger L. Jackson) with lightsabers while Lizzie, Gordo, Miranda, her classmates, Cosmo, Wanda, and all of the characters from the other Disney Channel shows Even Stevens, That's So Raven and Lilo & Stitch: The Series are standing in front of him.
  • When Lizzie, Miranda, Gordo, Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda and Zim are walking to the streets in the city of HillRidge with Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup, the Naboo N-1 Starfighter makes an appearance.
  • The artwork poster of the original Star Wars movie is shown on the wall at the Style Shack.
  • The battle between Timmy and Robot Mojo Jojo ends the boss level with Timmy cutting Robot Mojo's hand off. After screaming in pain, Robot Mojo cries out "That's impossible!", then Lizzie hugs Timmy as Cosmo and Wanda joins Timmy for the celebration, just as Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker does after the Battle of Yavin near the end of Star Wars, Mojo Jojo looks at his robot clone and replies, "How could it beat me with the Powerpuff Girls!"
  • Buttercup is flying above the ground across the city of HillRidge, the Millennium Falcon briefly appears in the Sci-Fi Convention.
  • Lizzie is walking for an magical adventures across the city of HillRidge with Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda, Miranda, Blossom, Bubbles, Gordo and Buttercup, at one point Timmy wields a lightsaber. The weapon even uses the same sound effects as in A New Hope.
  • Mojo Jojo controls his robot machine, which is an AT-AT Walker, Timmy used a magnetic harpoon gun at the football field in HillRidge Junior High to lift he underneath Mojo's robot machine, just as Luke Skywalker coming up to an AT-AT and tosses a concussion grenade inside the robot leg walkers in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. When Timmy used his lightsaber, removes the electrical cables and tosses a concussion grenade inside the robot leg walkers, however, Mojo Jojo escapes the robot machine using the escape door and the robot walkers suddenly blows up with Mojo Jojo robot clones.
  • The music for the game is one of John Williams' score in the Star Wars movies, including the "Duel of the Fates" song, first introduced in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.
  • When Lizzie and Matt's mother; Jo McGuire (Hallie Todd) is looking around in the city of HillRidge in the game, Jar Jar Binks makes a brief appearance while walking across the Style Shack.
  • The VHS release of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope "Special Edition" is briefly seen on display in the video rental store at the Style Shack.
  • When Timmy and Lizzie are in HillRidge Jr. High with Miranda, Gordo, Zim, Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup during the first day of seventh-grade, to which Almighty Tallest Red (Wally Wingert) responds, "You are unwise to lower your defenses!" referencing Darth Vader's line to Luke Skywalker during their lightsaber duel in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
  • Mojo Jojo uses a lightsaber, while looking to find any secret hidden clues and battles the cutout of Darth Vader's movie standee.
  • Lizzie and Matt's father; Sam McGuire (Robert Carradine) is looking at the message chair in the Style Shack, you can see the artwork poster for Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones.
  • When Professor Utonium flies down the helicopter in the air across the city of HillRidge and "shoots" green lasers in the cannon (which use the AT-AT sound effects).
  • Jo McGuire is looking around in the city of HillRidge in the game, Jar Jar Binks is briefly shown in the storage while walking across the Style Shack.
  • The artwork poster of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace is shown on the wall at the Style Shack.
  • Princess Morbucks (Jennifer Hale) tells Denzel Crocker (Carlos Alazraqui) that the trench run on the Death Star from Star Wars.
  • When Mojo Jojo is looking at his ray-gun at his evil lair of Townsville and runs off in the streets of HillRidge, he quotes Darth Vader in A New Hope, saying, "I sense something, a presence I've not felt since".
  • Lizzie is dressed as Princess Leia in her A New Hope outfit and hairdo, Timmy is wearing Luke Skywalker's outfit and wields a lightsaber.
  • When Bubbles is flying high above the ground across the city of HillRidge and "shoots" laserbeam eyes (which use the X-Wing sound effects).
  • After you find all these vehicles, you can buy the X-34 landspeeder (used by Luke Skywalker in A New Hope) from the garage in Lizzie's House, and it then becomes a playable vehicle.
  • Professor Utonium protests to Buttercup that Timmy battles against Mojo Jojo's Robot Machine "Bring him back! Play back the entire message!"
  • The VHS release of Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi "Special Edition" is seen briefly on display in the video rental store at the Style Shack.
  • In the backyard of Lizzie's House, Zim puts the Irken Guidance Tracking Device in the PAK and carrying a double-bladed lightsaber, which was famously used by Darth Maul in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.
  • The Gangreen Gang; Ace, Big Billy, Grubber (Jeff Bennett), Snake and Li'l Arturo (also voiced by Tom Kenny) was looking at the view of the football field in HillRidge Jr. High, Ace mentions Obi-Wan Kenobi felts a disturbance in the Force when Alderaan was destroyed by the Death Star.
  • The poster of Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back is shown on the wall at the Style Shack.
  • When Mojo Jojo looks around in the streets of HIllRidge, Han Solo frozen in carbonite makes a cameo appearance.
  • Almighty Tallest Purple (Kevin Hamilton McDonald) looking at the view of the hallway in HillRidge Jr. High while Lizzie, Gordo, Miranda, Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda, Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup and Zim are standing, he mentions "blowing up the Death Star".
  • When Angel Lieberman (Jackie Angelescu) looks at the hallway of HillRidge Jr. High, Ms. Bitters (Lucille Bliss) floats in front of her and references Luke Skywalker's encounter with Darth Vader in Bespin.
  • The VHS release of Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back "Special Edition" is seen on display in the video rental store at the Style Shack.
  • When Lizzie, Gordo, Miranda, Timmy, Cosmo and Wanda is looking at the view of the Rome, Italy with Blossom, Professor Utonium, Bubbles and Buttercup in the rooftop. Timmy uses a lightsaber, activates it and swings around. The weapon even uses the same sound effect in A New Hope.
  • Paolo Valisari (Yani Gellman) is in the motorcycle and Vicky (Grey DeLisle) in the sidecar, then Vicky says: "Now I'll win the contest for sure!" The "failing engine" sound effect heard when Paolo Valisari fails to start the engine on the motorcycle was used in The Empire Strikes Back when the Millennium Falcon failed to activate the hyperdrive.
  • Mojo Jojo battles Paolo Valisari and Vicky while piloting Mojo's Hovercraft makes a reference to the Battle of Endor scene. If you use the mouse button, Mojo's hovercraft flying down a long trench on the road's surface for them in order to reach his target and firing green lasers, then click the right mouse button, the sound is used when Mojo Jojo "shoots" lasers in the cannon from Mojo's hovercraft is a sound of a TIE Fighter.
  • Timmy uses the Force to retrieve his saber.
  • When Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup looks around at the buildings of Rome, Bubbles says "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen."
  • Mojo Jojo and Fuzzy Lumpkins seeking out Sergei to confront him, Paolo Valisari quotes Darth Vader in A New Hope, saying, "I sense something, a presence I've not felt since".
  • A B1-series battle droid from Episode I makes their appearances in the Story Mode level.
  • During the battle, Timmy Turner and Paolo Valisari are fighting with red and blue lightsabers. The duel includes the phrase, spoken by Timmy: "How do you know all this?"
  • Vicky's green saber is Qui-Gon Jinn's from The Phantom Menace.
  • Mojo Jojo's green lightsaber is Luke Skywalker's from Return of the Jedi.
  • The lightsaber battle between Timmy Turner and Paolo Valisari ends with Paolo cutting Vicky's hand off. After screaming in pain, Vicky cries out, "This doesn't look good with this!" referencing The Empire Strikes Back.
  • Bubbles flies down in the air, she heads towards the motorcycle's rear view and using her laserbeam eyes. A sound of an X-Wing is used when she using her laserbeam eyes.
  • During the "Fashion Show" cutscene, when Vicky is wearing her outfits in Via Condotti. One of the most expensive shopping districts in the world, she wears a Princess Leia (in her slave costume from Return of the Jedi), but she causing her embarrassment by accident, she tries to cover up and replies "Somebody get me a costume!"
  • In a level where Lizzie and Timmy are riding on a Star Wars N-1 starfighter as a motorcycle's sidecar with Cosmo, Wanda, Gordo and Miranda in a Star Wars-style battle, Timmy wears Anakin Skywalker's podracing helmet, and he says "Red leader, We're starting our attack run".
  • Ms. Bitters says, "Someone had a Star Wars–themed party and bring out the robots as stormtroopers."
  • When Vicky gets an infection for her evil babysitter problems, her hand is replaced with a robotic hand in the same fashion as Luke's hand being replaced in a scene from The Empire Strikes Back.
  • The Boogie Man's purple lightsaber is Mace Windu's from The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones.
  • When Timmy, Cosmo and Wanda are standing on stage at the Italian Music Awards with Lizzie, Miranda, Gordo, Zim, GIR, Professor Utonium, Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup. Timmy and Paolo fight with lightsabers, this is a reference to the battle between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
  • Darth Maul's double-bladed lightsaber from The Phantom Menace is seen in the storage.
  • When Lizzie and Timmy are flying in a Star Wars N-1 starfighter as a motorcycle's sidecar across Rome with Cosmo, Wanda, Gordo and Miranda, Timmy and Lizzie flies down a long trench on the road's surface in order to reach their target (which recreates the Death Star Trench scene). If you click the left mouse button, Timmy pushes a button and firing red lasers, the sound is used when Timmy "shoots" lasers in the cannon is an X-Wing starfighter.
  • Professor Utonium is piloting on a starfighter, which resembling Luke Skywalker's X-Wing, he wears a Rebel Alliance X-wing starfighter Pilot's helmet.
  • When Timmy and Lizzie are standing in a room at Hotel Cambini with Gordo, Miranda, Professor Utonium, Cosmo, Wanda, Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup, Timmy is dressed as Luke Skywalker and Lizzie is dressed as Princess Leia in her A New Hope outfit and hairdo.
  • Professor Utonium uses Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber from Episode I: The Phantom Menace.
  • Ms. Angela Ungermeyer (Alex Borstein) says to Sergei (Brendan Kelly): "Just because you are one hunk of Slavic muscle does not mean you're not gonna make it on my list.... since Greedo shooting first!"
  • Han Solo frozen in carbonite (from The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi) makes a brief cameo appearance at the Italian Music Awards.

LEGO Battles[]

  • In the final cutscene for the Knights story, there is a medal ceremony similar to the medal ceremony seen at the end of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, with two knights taking the roles of Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, a dwarf standing on a knight's shoulders as Chewbacca, the Queen as Princess Leia and a dwarf in a barrel as R2-D2. The Throne Room also is briefly heard in the beginning of this scene.

Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7[]

  • In the level "Love Hurts", when Harry Potter casts Sectumsempra at Draco Malfoy, it cut his legs off. This is a possible reference to Darth Maul's defeat in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.
  • In the level "The Flaw in the Plan", Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger make poses referring to the Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope style "A" Tom Jung poster.

LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures[]

File:Lego Indy with 3PO.jpg

Indiana Jones reveals the head of C-3PO in an effort to retain the real treasure he'd found.

  • In a LEGO remake of the first scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark, the lost temple, Indiana Jones attempts to fool treasure hunter Belloq into accepting C-3PO's golden head in place of a priceless idol Indiana had found just prior to meeting Belloq. Belloq, however, did not fall for it. Instead, he mocked Indiana Jones by walking around in the same manner the protocol droid does - including sound effects mimicking gear movements.
  • Just as in the film Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, the sign for Club Obi-Wan can be seen outside.
  • In the LEGO remake of the penultimate scene in The Last Crusade, Indy and Sallah encounter what appears to be a shadow of Darth Vader (Complete with a musical cue and breathing) as they enter the Grail Room. It later turns out to be the Knight standing guard over the room.
  • As a part of the game, you can find different Star Wars characters throughout the game. For example, you can see Luke hanging from the frozen ceiling much like in the Battle of Hoth. The other characters are Chewbacca, R2-D2, C-3PO, and Princess Leia.
  • After you find all these characters, you can buy Han Solo from the library, and he then becomes a playable character.
  • In the courtyard of Barnett College, one of the statues resembles a LEGO Anakin Skywalker who was holding a lightsaber.

Lego Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues[]

  • In the first level Indiana Jones and the Janitor get distracted and crash their car after seeing Han Solo in the warehouse frozen in carbonite.
  • In Raiders of the Lost Ark the player can start a sword-like duel with the Cairo Henchmen, whose movesets are similar to lightsaber duels. Also in a cutscene The Cairo Swordsman reflects bullets off of his sword much like lightsabers and blaster bolts.
  • In the third level of first Kingdom of the Crystal Skull act, you can play Mos Eisley's cantina theme.

Lego Universe[]

  • When you complete a mission where you have to smash six corrupted robots and you return to Starcatcher, the NPC that gave you the mission, he says "Those were the mechs you were looking for, now move along" as a reference to Obi-Wan's line in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

The Longest Journey[]

  • In Stark there is an object in front of the Fringe Cafe,where April works,which resembles the Death Star. Interacting with it reveals many quotes said by Star Wars characters imitated by April Ryan,the protagonist. Like: "Can you say, Death Star?" "Look at the size of that thing!"
    "Let's blow this thing and go home!"
    and "Use the force, Luke."

Lost: Via Domus[]

  • In game episode "Via Domus" Elliott asks Locke what is in the cave. Locke answers with "Only what you take with you".
  • In game episode "Whatever It Takes" Mikhail tells Beady Eyes: "You are as clumsy as you are stupid".

Lost Vikings II[]

  • In the opening sequence of the game, the characters Erik the Swift, Baleog the Fierce and Olaf the Stout encounter one of the guards of Tomator, to which Baleog remarks that he supposes that Erik "has a bad feeling about this."
  • That same encounter and ensuing scuffle is how Baleog acquired a lightsaber.
  • During the second act of the first level, the characters complain to a witch about having to gather ingredients for a teleportation spell. The witch responds with "Teleporting people ain't like dusting crops, boy! Without precise ingredients..." before being interrupted. This parodies Han Solo's classic line to Luke Skywalker.
  • In the beginning of the third act of the second level, after dealing with numerous failed teleports, Baleog says "Sorceress! Bah! We don't need their scum!" Olaf replies with a "Yes sir!" Again, parodies of Firmus Piett's line to another officer in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.
  • In the third act of the third level, the characters meet a witch's sister, to which Baleog responds, "Sister? So you have a twin sister..." This paraphrases Darth Vader's line to Luke in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
  • The character Tomator, while waiting for his turkey to cook, paraphrases Garven Dreis, "Almost there... Almost there..."
  • In response to a shaman saying that the "gods are more pleased than you can imagine," Baleog responds, "I don't know... I can imagine quite a bit," again paraphrasing Solo.
  • In the future level, when inquiring about the reliability of the teleportation machine, the leader of the rebels, Conroy, replies with "I find your lack of faith disturbing."
  • Tomator uses thermal detonators in that level.
  • During the ending sequence, when the condition of the Vikings' boat is called into play, the werewolf, Fang, says "Maybe you'd prefer to swim home." Baleog replies with "Laugh it up, fuzzball. Somebody get this walking carpet off my ship!" Erik counters with "Your ship? You lost her fair and square to me..." Olaf then laments that they should stop quoting the movies.

Luigi's Mansion[]

  • When Luigi first finds Mario, he is trapped in a painting, a nod to Han Solo frozen in carbonite. Later when he encounters King Boo, the ghost king states: "I will not give up my favorite decoration. I like Mario exactly where he is!" Jabba the Hutt says the same thing about the carbonite-encased Han Solo in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.

Mass Effect[]

  • There are several instances of "I have a bad feeling about this."
  • Wrex, one of the members of the player character's squad, says "It's a trap!" after being ambushed by geth on an uncharted world.
  • Upon seeing Sovereign, as well as the Destiny Ascension, the characters are saying "Look at the size...", a reference to the line in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
  • The Citadel, an immense space station of unknown origin, shares its name with another large space station from Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Both games feature large space battles taking place at their respective Citadel Stations. Of note, Bioware was the company responsible for developing both Mass Effect and the original Knights of the Old Republic.

Mass Effect 2[]

  • The loyalty mission with Miranda takes you to docking bay 94, the number for the docking bay the Millennium Falcon was found in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
  • One of the star systems in the game is called Malgus, just like Sith Lord from other BioWare game, Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Mass Effect 3[]

  • The Citadel DLC allows Shepard to meet with Ashley Williams at the Silver Coast Casino. At the bar, a Batarian and Vorcha walk up to the pair and begin a hostile conversation, paraphrasing from the scene in A New Hope when Luke is told "he doesn't like you."
  • The evacuation cinematic on Gellix bears a strong resemblance to the evacuation scene of Hoth in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back - In both scenes, ground-to-air defenses are used to clear a way for the escape craft, and the evacuation is also cut short by the arrival of enemy troops. Some of the dialogue options are almost direct quotes from that sequence.

Mass Effect: Infiltrator[]

  • Two background Cerberus operatives serving aboard the "Barn" space station are named Biggs and Wedge, a reference to Biggs Darklighter and Wedge Antilles from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

Medal Of Honor: Pacific Assault[]

  • During the "Airfield Ambush" mission, inside the house next to the runway you can hear the rebel pilot's conversations during the attack to the first Death Star.

Mega Man V (Game Boy)[]

  • The main villain, Dr. Wily, builds a huge space battle station known as the "Wily Star", a parody of the Death Star.

Mega Man X Series[]

  • The final boss in Mega Man X, Sigma, uses a weapon similar to a green lightsaber in his final battle with X.
  • In the Mega Man X spinoff of the Mega Man series, X's Reploid partner Zero sports a beam saber not unlike a lightsaber.
  • The Maverick, Vile, bears a striking resemblance to Boba Fett as a bounty hunter, and is very similar to a bounty hunter himself in respect to his multiple attempts to destroy X and Zero.

Mega Man Zero[]

  • In this spinoff of the aforementioned Mega Man X series, when Zero is awakened from a hundred-year sleep, the character Ciel tells him to "Just relax for a moment. You have hibernation sickness"; a line taken word-for-word from Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.

Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction[]

  • Several Items in this LucasArts published game include references to Star Wars:
    • Blueprint: Death Star Plans
    • National Treasure: Script for Episode VII
    • Blueprint: Kessel Star Chart
    • Han Solo as a locked playable character.
  • The character Agent Mitchell Beauford also references Star Wars with the line "We've got a C130 so full of shells it's like one of those... Star Destroyers from that space movie."
  • In the news report after the capture of Dung Hwangbo, the news scrolling along the bottom says Tipoca City: Clones cloned!
  • Another scroll mentions a "thermal exhaust port lawsuit on Coruscant".
  • There is a reporter named Kyle Kowakian a reference to Kowakian monkey-lizards.

Metal Gear series[]

Metal Gear Solid[]

  • In a pivotal cutscene, Solid Snake revealed that Big Boss told him that he was his father during what was implied to be during the events covered in Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, and was also implied to have some disturbances about killing his father, mirroring Vader's revelation to Luke about their relationship as father and son in The Empire Strikes Back.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater[]

  • At one point in the climax, The Boss posthumously tells Naked Snake to remember the basics of CQC while fighting Ocelot. Hideo Kojima, the creator of the series, admitted in his commentary for the game that he did it as a reference to Obi-Wan's telepathic message to Luke Skywalker in Star Wars.
  • In the climax, EVA and Naked Snake travel through Lazorevo, an extensive Jungle area, via motorbike, with flying platforms and motorcycles manned by GRU operatives, similar to a brief scene in The Phantom Menace and the speeder chase scene in Return of the Jedi, respectively.
  • The main antagonist, Colonel Volgin, at one point utilized electrical torture on Naked Snake in a very similar manner to Palpatine's torture of Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi. The same scene has Volgin saying "This is where the fun really begins!" just beforehand.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots[]

  • Solid Snake compares the fortress Outer Haven to the Death Star.
  • Big Boss's dying moments with Solid Snake mirrored that of Darth Vader's dying moments with Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi, including telling his son to forget about him/leave him.

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker[]

  • The head of Peace Walker heavily resembles the Death Star. The superlaser dish even fires a ray at the main character, although it instead paralyzes them. Overall, Peace Walker also had a similar function to the Death Star in the sense of it being a superweapon, and the head also is a hydrogen bomb that could be used in suicide missions to blow up an enemy country.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain[]

  • Ocelot, when briefing Venom Snake (then assumed to be Big Boss) on what had transpired in the nine years of his coma, mentioned President Ronald Reagan's Evil Empire speech against the Soviet Union, which had itself been a reference to the Galactic Empire from Star Wars.

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption[]

  • A possible reference to Star Wars, specifically Zonama Sekot, which is a living world, is the planet Phaaze, which is also a living one.
  • The Olympus class bears a resemblance to the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate.
  • The helmet of the federation troopers have a strong resemblance with the helmets of the Katarn Armor of the clone commandos, espacially the visor. However, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes released half a year ahead of Star Wars: Republic Commando, suggesting that the influence was more likely reversed.
  • Skytown appears to be a reference to Cloud City.


  • On the menu screen, Minecraft displays certain sayings near the title called "Splash". One read "Han shot first!" Another read "That's no moon," quoting Ben Kenobi from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.In 2019 April Fools version,2 splashes read "What if Greedo shot first?" and "Ewoks? What next, talking seahorse!?"

Modern Warfare 2[]

  • On the top side of the FIM-92 Stinger, it is possible to see the writing "CH08ACCA", which means Chewbacca.

Monkey Island series[]

LucasArts' Monkey Island Series has made several references to Star Wars.

LeChuck: "Luke, I am your father."
Guybrush Threepwood: "No. No! That's not true, that's impossible!"
  • The Curse of Monkey Island parodied Princess Leia's famous request for help off Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope as well as Yoda, Yoda's response to Obi-Wan's suggestion that Luke was their last hope from Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back:
Guybrush Threepwood: "You've got to come! You're my only hope!"
Voodoo Lady: "No, There is another."
  • The Curse of Monkey Island also made references to Obi-Wan's use of the Jedi mind trick on a stormtrooper in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope and Jabba's response to Luke Skywalker's attempted use of the same trick in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi:
Cabana Boy: "Let me see your membership card and I'll let you through."
Guybrush Threepwood: "You don't need to see my identification."
Cabana Boy: "I don't need to see your identification."
Guybrush Threepwood: "I'm not the pirate you're looking for."
Cabana Boy: "You're not the pirate I'm looking for."
Guybrush Threepwood: "I can go about my business."
Cabana Boy: "You can go about your business."
Guybrush Threepwood: "Move along."
Cabana Boy: "Move along, move along … hey! Your mind tricks won't work on me, boy!"
—Guybrush Threepwood attempts to persuade Cabana Boy to allow him to enter the Brimstone Beach Club on Plunder Island[src]

The Series is full of countless other references.

Mother 3[]

  • The main villain’s henchmen, called "Pig Masks," resemble stormtroopers.
  • The final battle of the game parallels Luke's fight with Darth Vader in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. The final boss, Masked Man, is the brother of the main character, manipulated by the villain and wearing cyborg implants after being damaged. He dies after turning good.
  • The Masked Man wields a lightsaber, but is dressed like a Rebel Pilot.

My Sims: Sky Heroes[]

  • Justice says that his old friend, Chaz McFreely, "turned to the dark side".
  • When Morocorp agents attack Dr.F's lab, Dr.F yells "It's a trap!"

Nintendo Labo[]

  • When pressing up or x along with the shoulder buttons you can turn the joycons into a lightsaber.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney[]

  • When Manfred von Karma interrupted part of the trial, Phoenix said "I have a bad feeling about this..."

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney- Trials and Tribulations[]

  • During the final case of the game, Prosecutor Edgeworth expresses doubt in the abilities of a spirit medium, stating "I suppose now you'll say she has midi-chlorians?"

Pirates of the Caribbean[]

  • In the computer game, Pirates of the Caribbean one of the atmosphere-creating background dialogues goes: "My ship made the Kessel Run in less than twelve months".

Ratchet and Clank[]

  • The main characters Ratchet and Clank, who go together everywhere; is similar to Luke Skywalker and R2-D2. Both R2-D2 and Clank are small robots.
  • In the first Ratchet & Clank, one of the trophies on the PS3 rerelease is "These are not the droids you're looking for...".
  • In Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando, at the battle arena on planet Joba and Maktar Nebula. When you take damage, the commentator can sometimes be heard saying "Oh, I don't care what universe you're from. That's gotta hurt!".
  • In Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal, one of the many enemies you fight is a red ninja robot with a double-bladed laser sword-type weapon, obviously a parody on Darth Maul's double-bladed lightsaber.
  • In Ratchet: Deadlocked, at one point of the game Merc (one of the combat bots) will say "I got a bad feeling about this.".
  • In Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time, Lord Vorselon can be heard saying to Ratchet (the protagonist of the game), "I am your father...'s accountant."
  • In the same game when Ratchet, Clank and Qwark secretly infiltrate in the Space Station of Nefarious they enter by the garbage shoot and the walls start moving to crush them, like in Star Wars IV: A New Hope.
  • In many games, the HoloNet is used as an anologue to the real-world internet, just as in Star Wars.

Resident Evil[]

  • Although not in Resident Evil 5 itself, Albert Wesker's voice actor, DC Douglas during production of the game, ad-libbed several lines of dialogue that weren't in the final version. One of the ad-libbing sessions had DC Douglas mentioning that they'll (Wesker, Sheva, and Chris Redfield) reach Vader's Death Star within five minutes.
  • Adam D. Clarke, Oswell E. Spencer's voice actor in the same game as well as a self-admitted Star Wars fan, likewise based his voice on Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious. He also mentioned in an interview that he compared Wesker and Spencer's relationship to that of Vader and Palpatine.


  • In the online game Roblox, there are various built Star Wars places as well as in the catalog there are hats such as star princess hair that is Leia's hair and in description it spoofs her message to Obi wan. There is also a galactic bounty hunter spoof of Jango Fett's helmet, as well as the head of General Grievous.


  • There is possibility that player can find a Star Wars lightsaber while playing as a Seraphim.

Saints Row IV[]

  • An outfit can be bought from the "lets pretend" store that is a nod to Boba Fett (backpack with jets included!)

Sam & Max Hit the Road[]

  • Inside Conroy Bumpus's mansion, Sam fiddles with the cleaning droid's controls accidentally causing it to project a tiny holographic woman who pleads "Help me, Sam and Max, you're my only hope", to which Max responds, "that was gratuitous!".
  • When attempting to find Bruno without the use of his mood ring, Shuv-oohl declared "It's, like, several voices screaming out in terror... and then suddenly silenced", in reference to Obi-Wan's feeling of the destruction of Alderaan.
  • In one of the pictures during the opening credits, Sam's gun reads "How's my aim? Call 1-800StarWars".


  • If you write the word Laser Sword, it spawns a green lightsaber.
  • If a player types in the word Robes, it spawns a wearable Jedi Robe.

Secret Weapons Over Normandy[]

  • In this LucasArts' arcade flight simulator during Mission 3: Sea Lion british pilot Trevor said: "I think they bought it. Now keep your distance... but don't appear to try and keep your distance. Just fly casual". It's a reference to almost exact the same lines said by Han Solo to Chewbacca while they approaching the Death Star II in Return of the Jed.

Silent Hill 3[]

  • By completing certain requirements by the time you finish the game, a weapon similar to a lightsaber can be unlocked in your next playthrough.

The Simpsons Game[]

  • In the Xbox 360 and PS3 levels for the game, in the level "Medal of Homer", the briefing mission for the Africa escort mission has Abe Simpson mentioning a storage bunker in Algeria known as "Jabba Al-Hutt", an obvious reference to Jabba the Hutt in Episode IV: A New Hope and Return of the Jedi.

The Sims 2[]

  • One can purchase a CD player called the 'Audiogeek TK-421'.

Sly 3[]

  • When Murray tells stories about training with the Guru, a picture is shown with Murray, wearing a green tank top and a backpack with the small Guru on his back, a reference to Luke Skywalker's training with Yoda.

Sonic the Hedgehog series[]

  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic the Hedgehog 3, and Sonic & Knuckles all revolve around the Death Egg, a battleship which looks almost identical to the Death Star, minus an added nose and mustache to make it resemble the face of the games main antagonist.
    • Similarly, in Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2, the final level was called the Death Egg 2, which the name, alongside its implied incomplete status short of its armament being fully operational, was based on the Death Star II in Return of the Jedi.
  • In the cartoon based on the games titled Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, in the episode Tails Prevails, Dr. Robotnik and Sonic have a battle in the skies on flying machines, and at one point, Robotnik says "I have you now" in a deep voice as a parody of the star fighters battle in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
  • There is also the Space Colony ARK, which is the Death Egg which is the same shaped as the Death Star. It even featured a superlaser like the Death Star, although how it was operated was closer to the city-destroyers from the film Independence Day.
  • A character from the Sonic series called E-123 Omega (another battle robot), used the term "Meatbag" in the BioWare developed game Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, as a reference to HK-47.
  • At one point in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, Eggman says "Inter-dimensional travel isn't like dusting crops, boy!"

Space Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon[]


Roger Wilco discovers a TIE fighter on a junk freighter

  • Roger Wilco ends up on a junk barge containing many wrecked spacecraft that are references to other works, including a TIE/LN starfighter, which is seen. A description of the "bowtie fighter," as the game calls it, mentions that it dates back to the "Cologne Wars." (Another level in the junk barge contains what may be the wing of an X-wing.)
  • Roger Wilco's personal spacecraft is called the Aluminum Mallard, an oblique reference to the Millennium Falcon

Spider-Man 3[]

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions[]

  • During the Sandman level, Spider-Man says "Did I ever mention I hate sand? It's hot, it's course, it's rough, and it gets everywhere." This is the same quote Anakin Skywalker said to Padmé in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones.



Quietus Star Achievement

  • In the space stage, one of the achievements that can be unlocked is Quietus Star. It is gained by destroying 20 planets with the Planet Buster weapon. Quietus means, in latin, At rest, and can be interpreted as the "Death Star".
  • Also in the space stage, you will sometimes get ambushed by pirates, and a message will pop up, saying "It's a trap!" You've been ambushed by pirates!", which is a tribute to Admiral Ackbar's famous replica.
  • In every Building creators, there is a part named "Skywalked" for construction.
  • In the House creator, there is a part named "Industry Light" for construction, which could be a reference to Industrial Light & Magic.
  • In the Spaceship creator, there is a Star Destroyer shaped part called "Star Deployer" and another part named "Kessel Runner" for construction.


  • Enemy units seen in mission 4 of the Terran campaign yell "You rebel scum," and later on, "It's them! Blast them!" when encountered by the player.
  • One of the last missions of the Terran campaign revolves around destroying an ion cannon, which looks very similar to the weapon from Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.
  • Protoss Zealots wield lightsaber-like weapons that are attached to their forearms.
  • In the Game Manual in the back credits there is a special thanks section which includes George Lucas.



An Arwing, a ship very similar to the X-Wing.

  • In Starfox and the 1993 comic (And to a far lesser extent, the sequels), Andross is referred to as emperor and the enemy forces are sometimes called Imperial Lizards. Quite possibly referencing Star Wars' fight against the evil Empire.
  • The Arwing (pronounced "R-wing") and Wolfen are incredibly similar to the many starfighters of Star Wars such as X-wing and Y-wing.
  • The constant use by Peppy and James of the phrase "trust your instincts" is likely a reference to the line "Trust your feelings" and derivatives of.
  • The roles and personalities of the main characters can be quite closely compared with original trilogy characters: Fox (Luke), Peppy (Obi-Wan), Slippy (C-3PO), Falco (Han) and Rob (C-3PO/R2-D2).
  • During the final battle with Andross, the main villain in Star Fox 64 (as well as the original Star Fox game and Star Fox Adventures), speaks the line "I've been waiting for you, Star Fox"; this is likely to be a reference to Darth Vader's line to Obi-Wan Kenobi just before their duel in Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope. The difference being that Vader's line was "I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan." Andross also says, at one point, "You will die just like your father!"; Darth Sidious taunted Galen Marek with similar words during their epic clash aboard the first Death Star in The Force Unleashed.
  • There is a character named Pigma Dengar in the game, who shares his name with Dengar, a bounty hunter. In addition, Pigma Dengar's backstory is also similar to that of Obi-Wan's rendition of Darth Vader's backstory in A New Hope, including betraying the group he worked with as well as being implied to have murdered the protagonist's father: In this case, however, Pigma and James McCloud are clearly separate individuals.
  • The opening music sounds very similar to the opening music from Star Wars, composed by John Williams.
  • One of Peppy's lines, "I have a bad feeling about this", is a line commonly used in all of the Star Wars movies. He also shouts "It's a trap!" in a similar tone to Admiral Ackbar.
  • The mission Bolse in Star Fox 64 is very similar to the Battle of Yavin, where Star Fox destroys energy towers in order to take out a satellite.
  • The ending sequence of Star Fox 64 is cinematically very similar to the ending of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. (An award ceremony thanking the heroes where troops stand at attention on the sides)
  • In Star Fox Assault, the Cornerian Fighters strongly resemble colorless V-Wing starfighters, as used in the Clone Wars.
  • The plot of Star Fox: Assault, involving a sudden overwhelming attack by an unknown alien race that uses organic technology, may be an homage to The New Jedi Order series of novels.
    • At one point in the game, the player has to destroy several missiles that were capable of travelling through a wormhole, and were likewise implied to be capable of destroying a planet ("Peppy: Listen to me, team. Don't waste a single shot. Something that gigantic will take out more than just the gate."), which is similar to Palpatine's usage of the Galaxy Gun to cow the New Republic-owned portions of the Galaxy in Dark Empire II.
  • In the Venom path hard ending when Andross causes the planet to self-destruct in order to kill Fox after his defeat, the spirit of Fox's late father James guides him away from the planet, with Fox remarking "Father?!" upon first hearing him. This is a reference to The Empire Strikes Back when Vader communicates mentally with Luke aboard the Millennium Falcon and he also responds similarly to Fox. 
  • Though this could be a more loose reference. In Star Fox Adventures, Falco, who previously departed from the team prior to the game, shows up at the end in order to help Fox defeat Andross. This could be similar to Han Solo returning to help Luke blow up the Death Star during the Rebel Assault afte previously departing with his payment. 

Super Mario Galaxy 2[]

  • During the Game, you will receive a letter from Princess Peach saying "I am very far away right now".

Super Mario Sunshine[]

  • In Bianco Hills, there is a level titled "Petey Piranha Strikes Back", a reference to Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. Also, this level is the fifth level in Bianco Hills.

Super Smash Bros. series[]

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Fox McCloud with a Beam Sword, a weapon very similar to lightsabers in appearance.

  • Super Smash Bros. and Super Smash Bros. Melee feature "beam swords" which are very similar to lightsabers. George Lucas actually requested Beam Swords to not have the same sound effect as lightsabers, although as of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, they do.
  • Pit's dual bladed bow was based on Darth Maul's double-bladed lightsaber.


  • Automaton-driver Oscar is very similar to C-3PO both in visual appearance, characteristics and manner of speech.

Tales series[]

  • There are two characters in the "Tales of" series named Luke Fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss) and Leia Rolando (Tales of Xillia). Luke (not unlike Luke Skywalker) is very whiny at the start of the game, but matures into a more ideal hero. Leia's last name (Rolando) has "Lando" in the name. This could be a nod to Lando Calrissian. A laser sword can also be obtained as a weapon in the tower of Salvation (Tales of Symphonia) that looks similar to a lightsaber (complete with Lightsaber sounds). Hubert from Tales of Graces uses a dual blade sword and fights just like Darth Maul. (though when using his guns, he has moves similar to Dante from the Devil May Cry series), in addition one NPC the player can find when the party is making way for the game's desert continent will talk about "sand people working in pairs and traveling in a single file to hide their numbers", a reference to the Tusken Raiders. The world of Auldrant (the world where Tales of the Abyss takes place) sounds similar to Alderaan. Perhaps this is a nod to Princess Leia's homeworld. 

Team Fortress 2[]

Tekken Tag Tournament 2[]

  • When customizing certain characters costumes, it is possible to give them weapons similar to a lightsaber (which can be used as a move) consisting of a few colors such as red, green and blue.


  • In the game, there is a craftable weapon called the 'Phasesaber' which bears resemblance to the iconic lightsaber.

The Amazing Spider-Man[]

  • In one level, an Oscorp guard questions Whitney Cheng on what she's doing, and she responds with "I'm not the droid you're looking for." The Oscorp guard then says "Very funny, and I'm sure you know that the next line is: move along," in reference to the conversation of Ben Kenobi and the Stormtroopers in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

The Urbz Sims in the City (Game Boy Advance and DS)[]

  • When the player character gets into the bayou, several references to The Empire Strikes Back are seen. First by one of the twins who give you the objective to take care of an Albino Alligator and when the PC says "I'm not afraid", the twin will then respond "Oh you will be! You will be!" Later in the quest, when the PC goes into the cave, a hallucination of Daddy Bigbucks in a suit akin to Darth Vader's (minus the helmet) is seen and can be only fended off by a special light rod. Making the quest mostly reference Luke Skywalker's training with Yoda on Dagobah.


  • After the instructions of the game, Mortimer quotes "May the G-Force be with you!"
  • Star Wars can be mentioned at any time, most whenever chatting with a teen girl, and you are a teen boy.

Tiny Toons Adventures: Buster Busts Loose[]

  • In this Super Nintendo game, one of the levels is a parody of Star Wars in general.

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3[]

  • Darth Maul is an unlockable and playable character with extremely boosted statistics. Maul also comes with double-bladed lightsaber and special Sith tricks.

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4[]

Tony Hawk's Underground 2[]

  • In the Boston level, if you take a right and skate up the buildings like a half-pipe and then level out at the window, you will crash through the window and see the Star Wars Kid sitting at his couch. If you press X, he will "show you his moves", and imitate the Star Wars Kid.

Taz: Wanted[]

  • The game has numerous references to Star Wars:
    • In the game, the Looney Tunes character Taz the Tasmanian Devil is walking across the second tutorial level "Zooney Tunes", Taz wields a lightsaber. The weapon even uses the same sound effects as in A New Hope.
  • Yosemite Sam's "Taz Worker Catchers" are shown dressed as the Jedi Master.
  • In the level "Samsonian Museum", the music plays is the "Duel of the Fates" song, first introduced in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.
  • Taking a door to other hubs will have the text say "Meanwhile in a galaxy far, far away..."
  • In the level "Ice Burg", AT-AT Imperial Walker shown during the clip of the Battle of Hoth scene, while Taz rides on the cablecar.
  • While Taz is flying through space, he is seen colliding with the space station is the Death Star.
  • In the boss level "Elephant Pong", Taz scares the elephant to win and Gossamer, one of Sam's minions, loses, Yosemite Sam is seen carrying Darth Maul's double-bladed lightsaber.
  • C-3PO and R2-D2 are seen briefly in the level "Bank of Samerica".
  • In the level "Looney Lagoons", the X-34 landspeeder (which used by Luke Skywalker) can be seen with Yosemite Sam's "Taz Catcher" workers.
  • In the second boss level 'Gladiatoons", Daffy Duck fights Taz the Tasmanian Devil with lightsabers in the same fashion of Obi-Wan Kenobi's fight with Darth Vader in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope:
    (Taz pulls out the lightsaber, while Daffy Duck pulls out his own saber)
    Taz: "The Force is strong with Taz."
    (Taz swings his lightsaber (light blue) around)
    (Daffy Duck swings his red lightsaber around)
    Daffy Duck: "You're asking for it." *clashes lightsabers*
    (Taz swings his lightsaber (light blue) around)
    Daffy Duck: "You're despicable!"
    (Daffy Duck swings his red lightsaber and clashes into Taz's lightsaber)
    Daffy Duck: "What's the big idea!"
    (Taz swings his lightsaber (light blue) and clashes into Daffy's lightsaber)
  • When Taz looks around in the hallway of Looningdales, Han Solo frozen in carbonite makes a brief appearance behind the wanted posters (hence the game's name).
  • In the minigame, when Taz (Luke Skywalker) is piloting an X-wing while wearing a Rebel pilot outfit, Taz has a helmet that matches Luke's, Sylvester the Cat, Daffy Duck, Marvin the Martian, Elephant, Wile E. Coyote and Elmer Fudd are piloting the X-wings, Marvin's spaceship, Y-wing and Naboo in space. Flying from Yavin to the Death Star including the Death Star trench, the guns, Darth Vader and his wingmen are shown in the TIE Fighters, even the sound effect is used for the TIE Fighter (complete with Vader's Breathing!), Bugs Bunny's (Han Solo) last minute rescue, and the way the ships blow up during the famous clip of the Battle of Yavin in A New Hope:
    Elmer Fudd: All wings report in.
    Sylvester the Cat: Red Ten standing by.
    Daffy Duck: Daffy Duck standing by.
    Wile E. Coyote: (holding a sign that reads "Red Three standing by".)
    Elephant: Red two standing by.
    Marvin the Martian: Red eleven standing by.
    Taz: Red Five standing by.
    EXT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER Artoo-Detoo, in position outside of the fighter, turns his head from side to side and makes beeping sounds.
    Elmer Fudd: Lock X-foils in attack position.
    EXT. SPACE The group of X-wing fighters move in formation toward the Death Star, unfolding the wings and locking them in the "X" position, while Daffy is in the Naboo fighter.
    Marvin the Martian: (over headset) We’re passing through their magnetic field.
    Sylvester the Cat: Hold tight!
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Taz adjusts his controls as he concentrates on the approaching Death Star. The ship begins to be buffeted slightly.
    Elephant: (over headset) Switch your deflectors on.
    Marvin the Martian: (over headset) Double front!
    EXT. SPACE The fighters, now X-shaped darts, move in formation. The Death Star now appears to be a small moon growing rapidly in size as the Rebel fighters approach. Complex patterns on the metallic surface begin to become visible. A large dish antenna is built into the surface on one side.
    INT. WEDGE’S COCKPIT Elmer Fudd is amazed and slightly frightened at the awesome spectacle.
    Elmer Fudd: Look at the *size* of that thing.
    Sylvester the Cat: (over headset) Cut the chatter, Red Two.
    Sylvester the Cat: Accelerate to attack speed.
    INT. MARVIN THE MARTIAN'S SPACESHIP - COCKPIT Marvin looks intresting about him at the Death Star.
    EXT. SPACE As the fighters move closer to the Death Star, the awesome size of the gargantuan Imperial fortress is revealed. Half of the deadly space station is in shadow and this area sparkles with thousands of small lights running in thin lines and occasionally grouped in large clusters; somewhat like a city at night as seen from a weather satellite.
    Sylvester the Cat: This is it!
    Daffy Duck: Red Leader, this is Daffy Duck.
    Elephant: (over headset) I copy, Gold Leader.
    Marvin the Martian: We’re starting for the target shaft now.
    INT. RED LEADER’S COCKPIT Elmer Fudd looks around at his wingmen; the Death Star looming in from behind. Two Y-wing fighters bob back and forth in the background. He moves his computer targeting device into position.
    Elmer Fudd: We’re in position. I’m going to cut across the axis and try and draw their fire.
    INT. MARVIN THE MARTIAN'S SPACESHIP - COCKPIT Marvin grabs the control stick in his spaceship.
    Marvin the Martian: HERE GOES NOTHING!
    EXT. SPACE Two squads of Rebel fighters peel off. The X-wings, Naboo and Marvin's spaceship dive towards the Death Star surface. A thousand lights glow across the dark grey expanse of the huge station.
    INT. DEATH STAR Alarm sirens scream as soldiers scramble to large turbo- powered laser gun emplacements. Electronic drivers rotate the huge guns into position as crew adjust their targeting devices.
    EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Laserbolts streak through the star-filled night.
    Daffy Duck: I’ll start it this time.
    INT. DISCO VOLCANO - CONTROL ROOM Yosemite Sam listens to the battle over the intercom. The security cameras has all screens showing classic Looney Tunes shorts and the clips of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
    Elmer Fudd: (over war room speaker system) Heavy fire, duck! Twenty-degrees.
    Marvin the Martian: (over speaker) I see it, earthling. Stay low.
    EXT. SPACE An X-wing zooms across the surface of the Death Star.
    INT. DEATH STAR Technical crews scurry here and there loading last-minute armaments and unlocking power cables.
    INT. WEDGE’S COCKPIT Wedge maneuvers his fighter toward the menacing Death Star.
    EXT. SPACE X-wings continue in their attack course on the Death Star.
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Taz nosedives radically, starting his attack on the monstrous fortress. The Death Star surface streaks past the cockpit window.
    Taz: This is Red Five; Taz going in!
    EXT. SPACE Luke’s X-wing races toward the Death Star. Laserbolts streak from Luke’s weapons, creating a huge fireball explosion on the dim surface.
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Terror crosses Taz’s face as he realizes he won’t be able to pull out in time to avoid the fireball.
    BIGGS (over headset) Luke, pull up!
    EXT. SURFACE OF DEATH STAR Luke’s ship emerges from the fireball, with the leading edges of his wings slightly scorched.
    Sylvester the Cat: Are you all right?
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Taz adjusts his controls and breathes a sigh of relief. Flak bursts outside the cockpit window.
    Taz: Taz got a little cooked, but Taz okay.
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Rebel fighters continue to strafe the Death Star’s surface with laserbolts.
    INT. DEATH STAR Walls buckle and cave in. Troops and equipment are blown in all directions. Stormtroopers stagger out of the rubble. Standing in the middle of the chaos, a vision of calm and foreboding, is Darth Vader. One of his Astro-Officers rushes up to him.
    ASTRO-OFFICER: We count thirty Rebel ships, Lord Vader. But they’re so small they’re evading our turbo-lasers!
    VADER: We’ll have to destroy them ship to ship. Get the crews to their fighters.
    INT. DEATH STAR Smoke belches from the giant laser guns as they wind up their turbine generators to create sufficient power. The crew rushes about preparing for another blast. Even the troopers head gear is not adequate to protect them from the overwhelming noise of the monstrous weapon.
    TWEETY'S VOICE: Puddy Taz, trust your feelings.
    (Taz chuckles, button clicks)
    EXT. LUKE’S X-WING TRAVELING A shot hurls from Taz’s guns. Laserbolts streak toward the onrushing Death Star surface. Several small radar emplacements erupt in flame. Laserfire erupts from a protruding tower on the surface.
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING - COCKPIT - TRAVELING The blurry Death Star surface races past the cockpit window as a big smile sweeps across Taz’s face at the success of his run. Flak thunders on all sides of him.
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR The Death Star superstructure races past Taz as he maneuvers his craft through a wall of laserfire and peels away from the surface towards the heavens.
    INT. DEATH STAR The thunder and smoke of the big guns reverberate throughout the massive structure. Many soldiers rush about in the smoke and chaos, silhouetted by the almost continual flash of explosions.
    INT. BIGGS’ COCKPIT - TRAVELING Wile E. Coyote dives through a forest of radar domes, antennae, and gun towers as he shoots low across the Death Star surface. A dense barrage of laserfire streaks by on all sides.
    INT. DEATH STAR Imperial star pilots dash in unison to a line of small auxiliary hatches that lead to Imperial TIE fighters.
    INT. DISCO VOLCANO - CONTROL ROOM Yosemite Sam, surrounded by the security cameras, paces nervously before a lighted computer table. On all sides cameras work in front of many Television screens. Yosemite Sam watches quietly from one corner. One of the officers working over a screen speaks into his headset.
    Yosemite Sam: Squad leaders, we’ve picked up a new group of signals. Creampuffy varmints are coming your way.
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING - COCKPIT - TRAVELING Taz looks around to see if he can spot the approaching Imperial fighters.
    Taz: Taz scope’s negative. I don’t see anything.
    INT. RED LEADER’S X-WING - COCKPIT - TRAVELING The Death Star’s surface sweeps past as Red Leader searches the sky for the Imperial fighters. Flak pounds at his ship.
    Daffy Duck: Keep up your visual scanning. Here they come, sucker!
    Taz: Huh?
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Silhouetted against the rim lights of the Death Star horizon, four ferocious Imperial TIE ships dive on the Rebel fighters. Two of the TIE fighters peel off and drop out of frame. Pan with the remaining two TIE ships.
    Elmer Fudd: Watch it! You've got one on your tail.
    INT. BIGGS’ COCKPIT - TRAVELING Elmer Fudd panics when he discovers a TIE ship on his tail. The horizon in the background twists around as he peels off, hoping to lose the Imperial fighter.
    Taz: You’ve picked one up, watch it!
    Elmer Fudd: I can’t see it!
    EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Elmer Fudd zooms off the surface and into space, closely followed by an Imperial TIE fighter. The TIE ship fires several laserbolts at Elmer, but misses.
    INT. BIGGS’ COCKPIT - TRAVELING Elmer Fudd see the TIE ship behind him and swings around, trying to avoid him.
    Elmer Fudd: He’s on me tight, I can’t shake him.
    EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Elmer Fudd, flying at high altitude, peels off and dives toward the Death Star surface, but he is unable to lose the TIE fighter, who sticks close to his tail.
    INT. X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT - TRAVELING Taz is flying upside down. He rotates his ship around to normal attitude as he comes out of his dive.
    Taz: I'll be right there.
    EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Elmer Fudd and the tailing TIE ship dive for the surface, now followed by a fast-gaining Taz. After Elmer Fudd dives out of sight, Taz chases the Imperial fighter.
    EXT. SURFACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR In the foreground, the Imperial fighter races across the Death Star’s surface, closely followed by Taz in the background.
    Taz: Taz Star Wars!
    (button clicks)
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT - TRAVELING There is a shot from Luke’s X-wing of the TIE ship exploding in a mass of flames.
    INT. DEATH STAR Darth Vader strides purposefully down a Death Star corridor, flanked by Imperial stormtroopers.
    VADER: Several fighters have broken off from the main group. Come with me!
    INT. DISCO VOLCANO - CONTROL ROOM Yosemite Sam stands around the huge round readout screen of the security cameras, listening to the ship-to-ship communication on the room’s loudspeaker.
    Elmer Fudd: (over speaker) Pull in! Luke… pull in!
    Sylvester the Cat: (over speaker) Watch your back, buster!
    Sylvester the Cat: (over headset) Watch your back! Fighter’s above you, coming in!
    EXT. SPACE Luke’s ship soars away from the Death Star’s surface as he spots the tailing TIE fighter.
    INT. TIE FIGHTER’S COCKPIT The TIE pilot takes aim at Luke’s X-wing.
    EXT. SPACE The Imperial TIE fighter pilot scores a hit on Luke’s ship. Fire breaks out on the right side of the X-wing.
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Taz looks out of his cockpit at the flames on his ship.
    Taz: Taz hit! But not bad.
    EXT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER Smoke pours out from behind Artoo-Detoo.
    TAZ’S VOICE: Artoo, see what you can do with it. Hang on back there.
    Green laserfire moves past the beeping little robot as his head turns.
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING - COCKPIT Taz nervously works his controls.
    RED LEADER (over headset) Red Six…
    INT. DISCO VOLCANO - CONTROL ROOM Yosemite Sam stands frozen as he listens and looks about Taz.
    RED LEADER (over speaker) Can you see Red Five?
    Elephant: (over speaker) There’s a heavy fire zone on this side. Red Five, where are you?
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING - COCKPIT Taz spots the TIE fighter behind him and soars away from the Death Star surface.
    Taz: Taz can’t shake him!
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Luke’s ship soars closer to the surface of the Death Star, an Imperial TIE fighter closing in on him in hot pursuit.
    INT. WEDGE’S COCKPIT The Death Star whips below Elmer Fudd.
    Elmer Fudd: I’m on it!
    Elmer Fudd (over headset) Hold on!
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Elmer Fudd dives across the horizon toward Taz and the TIE fighter.
    INT. WEDGE’S COCKPIT Elmer moves his X-wing in rapidly.
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING - COCKPIT Taz reacts frantically.
    Taz: (gibberish)
    INT. TIE FIGHTER - COCKPIT The fighter pilot watches Wedge’s X-wing approach. Another X-wing joins him, and both unleash a volley of laserfire on the Imperial fighter.
    EXT. SPACE The TIE fighter explodes, filling the screen with white light. Luke’s ship can be seen far in the distance.
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING - COCKPIT Taz looks about in relief.
    Taz: Taz like totally gnarly.
    (Taz chuckles)
    INT. DISCO VOLCANO - CONTROL ROOM Yosemite Sam is listening to the Rebel Fighter’s radio transmissions over the secret camera intercom.
    Elmer Fudd: (over speaker) Good shooting, Wedge!
    Daffy Duck: (over speaker) Red Leader…
    INT. NABOO N-1 STARFIGHTER - COCKPIT Daffy peels off and starts toward the long trenches at the Death Star surface pole.
    Daffy Duck: This is Daffy Duck. We’re starting our attack run.
    EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Three Y-wing fighters of the Gold group and the Naboo dive out of the stars toward the Death Star surface.
    INT. DISCO VOLCANO - CONTROL ROOM Yosemite Sam is looked around the screens, as technicians move about attending to their duties.
    Sylvester the Cat: (over speaker) I copy, Gold Leader. Move into position.
    EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Three Imperial TIE ships in precise formation dive toward the Death Star surface.
    INT. DARTH VADER’S COCKPIT Darth Vader calmly adjusts his control stick as the stars whip past in the window above his head.
    VADER: Stay in attack formation!
    Daffy Duck: (over speaker) The exhaust post is… …marked and locked in!
    Daffy approaches the surface and pulls out to skim the surface of the huge station. The ship moves into a deep trench, firing laserbolts.
    The surface streaks past as laserfire is returned by the Death Star.
    INT. MARVIN THE MARTIAN'S SPACESHIP - COCKPIT Marvin looks powerful at the Death Star Trench.
    Marvin the Martian: OH, GOODY!
    INT. GOLD FIVE’S Y-WING - COCKPIT - TRAVELING Gold Five is a pilot in his early fifties with a very battered helmet that looks like it’s been through many battles. He looks around to see if enemy ships are near. His fighter is buffeted by Imperial flak.
    Daffy Duck: Switch power to front deflector screens.
    INT. GOLD LEADER’S Y-WING - COCKPIT Gold Leader races down the enormous trench that leads to the exhaust port. Laserbolts blast toward him in increasing numbers, occasionally exploding near the ship causing it to bounce about.
    Daffy Duck: Switch all power to front deflector screens.
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Three Y-wing skim the Death Star surface deep in the trench, as laserbolts streak past on all sides.
    EXT. DEATH STAR SURFACE - GUN EMPLACEMENTS An exterior surface gun blazes away at the oncoming Rebel fighters.
    Daffy Duck: How many guns do you think.
    Elmer Fudd: (over speaker) I’d say about twenty guns. Some on the surface, some on the towers.
    Yosemite Sam looks at the projected target screen, as red and blue target lights glow. The red target near the center blinks on and off.
    MASSASSI INTERCOM VOICE: (over speaker) Death Star will be in range in five minutes.
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR The three Y-wing fighters and Naboo race toward camera and zoom overhead through a hail of laserfire.
    INT. GOLD LEADER’S Y-WING - COCKPIT Daffy pulls his computer targeting device up in front of his eye.
    Daffy Duck: Switching to targeting computer.
    Laserbolts continue to batter the Rebel craft.
    INT. GOLD TWO’S Y-WING - COCKPIT Sylvester the Cat, pulls down his targeting eye viewer and adjusts it. His ship shudders under intense laser barrage.
    Sylvester the Cat: Computer’s locked. Getting a signal.
    As the fighters begin to approach the target area, suddenly all the laserfire stops. An eerie clam clings over the trench as the surface whips past in a blur.
    Elephant: The guns… they’ve stopped!
    EXT. GOLD FIVE’S COCKPIT Elephant as Gold Five looks behind him.
    Elephant: Stabilize your read deflectors. Watch for enemy fighters.
    Daffy Duck: You know what to do with the guns.
    Elephant: You do and I’ll give ya such a pinch! [He grabs the control stick and the Y-wing zooms across the trench, then storms off.]
    Elmer Fudd: They’ve coming in! Three marks at two ten.
    EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Three Imperial TIE ships, Darth Vader in the center flanked by two wingmen, dive in precise formation almost vertically toward the Death Star surface.
    INT. DARTH VADER’S COCKPIT Darth Vader calmly adjusts his control stick as the stars zoom by.
    Vader: I’ll take them myself! Cover me!
    WINGMAN’S VOICE (over speaker) Yes, sir.
    EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Three TIE fighters zoom across the surface of the Death Star.
    INT. DARTH VADER’S COCKPIT Darth Vader lines up Gold Two in his targeting computer. Vader’s hands grip the control stick as he presses the button.
    INT. GOLD LEADER’S Y-WING - COCKPIT The cockpit explodes around Gold Two. His head falls forward.
    EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR As Gold Two’s ship explodes, debris is flung out into space.
    INT. GOLD LEADER’S Y-WING - COCKPIT Gold Leader looks over his shoulder at the scene.
    EXT. DEATH STAR TRENCH The three TIE fighters race along in the trench in a tight formation.
    INT. GOLD LEADER’S Y-WING - COCKPIT Elephant panics.
    Elephant: (into mike) No good I can’t maneuver!
    INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING - COCKPIT Elmer Fudd, trys to calm Elephant.
    Elmer Fudd: Stay on target.
    INT. GOLD LEADER’S Y-WING - COCKPIT The Death Star races by outside the cockpit window as he adjusts his targeting device.
    Elephant: We’re too close.
    INT. GOLD FIVE’S Y-WING - COCKPIT Elmer remains calm.
    Elmer Fudd: Stay on target!
    INT. GOLD LEADER’S Y-WING - COCKPIT Now he’s really panicked.
    Elephant: Loosen up!
    INT. DARTH VADER’S COCKPIT Vader calmly adjusts his targeting computer and pushes the fire button.
    INT. GOLD LEADER’S Y-WING - COCKPIT Gold Leader’s ship is hit by Vader’s laser.
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Gold Leader explodes in a ball of flames, throwing debris in all directions.
    INT. GOLD FIVE’S Y-WING - COCKPIT Elephant moves in on the exhaust port.
    Elephant: Gold Five to Red Leader…
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Taz looks over his shoulder at the action outside of his cockpit.
    Elephant: (over headset) Lost Tiree, lost Dutch.
    Daffy Duck: I copy, Gold Leader.
    Elephant: They came from behind…
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Daffy flying away from Darth Vader; One of the engines explodes on Gold Five’s Y-wing fighter, blazing out of control. He dives past the horizon toward the Death Star’s surface, passing a TIE fighter during his descent. Elephant as Gold Five, a veteran of countless campaigns, spins toward his death.
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Taz looks nervously about him at the explosive battle.
    INT. DISCO VOLCANO - CONTROL ROOM Yosemite Sam stare at the secret cameras of the explosive battle of Elephant.
    Yosemite Sam: Oooh I'll have your hide varmint!
    INT. MARVIN'S SPACESHIP - COCKPIT Marvin looks furious about him at the explosive battle.
    Marvin the Martian: That makes me very angry! Very angry indeed.
    INT. GOLD FIVE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Elmer Fudd grins sheepishly before looking on in horror at the explosive battle.
    Elmer Fudd: Uh-oh!
    INT. NABOO N-1 STARFIGHTER - COCKPIT Daffy, with an angry look, calmly uncrosses his arms, holding the control stick, and then looks at the explosive battle.
    Daffy Duck: You're despicable!
    INT. DEATH STAR - CONTROL ROOM Grand Moff Tarkin and a Chief Officer stand in the Death Star’s control room.
    OFFICER: We’ve analyzed their attack, sir, and there is a danger. Should I have your ship standing by?
    TARKIN: Evacuate? In out moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances!
    (Tarkin turns to the computer readout screen. Flames move around the green disk at the center of the screen, as numbers read across the bottom.)
    VOICE: (over speaker) Rebel base, three minutes and closing.
    INT. NABOO N-1 STARFIGHTER COCKPIT Daffy looks over at his wingmen.
    Daffy Duck: Red Leader, this is Daffy Duck.
    INT. DISCO VOLCANO - CONTROL ROOM Yosemite Sam moves to the intercom as he fiddles with the computer keys.
    Daffy Duck: (over speaker) Rendezvous at mark six point one.
    Elmer Fudd: (over speaker) This is Red Two. Flying toward you.
    Sylvester the Cat: (over speaker) Red Three, standing by.
    Yosemite Sam: (over headset) Red Leader, this is Yosemite Sam. Keep half your group out of range for the next run.
    RED LEADER’S VOICE: (over headset) Copy, Base One. Luke, take Red Two and Three. Hold up here and wait for my signal… to start your run.
    Taz nods his head.
    EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR The X-wing fighters of Taz, Daffy, and Marvin fly in formation high above the Death Star’s surface with the Naboo Fighter and Marvin's Spaceship.
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Taz peers out from his cockpit.
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Two X-wings move across the surface of the Death Star. Red Leader’s X-wing, the Naboo Fighter and Marvin's Spaceship drops down to the surface leading to the exhaust port.
    INT. MARVIN’S COCKPIT Marvin the Martian looks around to watch for the TIE fighters. He begins to perspire.
    Marvin the Martian: This is it!
    EXT. SPACE Marvin the Martian, Elmer Fudd and Daffy Duck roams down the trench of the Death Star as lasers streak across the black heavens.
    EXT. DEATH STAR SURFACE - GUN EMPLACEMENTS A huge remote-control laser cannon fires at the approaching Rebel fighters.
    EXT. DEATH STAR TRENCH The Rebel fighters evade the Imperial laser blasts.
    INT. RED TEN’S COCKPIT Elmer Fudd looks around for the Imperial fighters.
    Elmer Fudd: We should be able to see it by now.
    EXT. DEATH STAR TRENCH From the cockpits of the Rebel pilots, the surface of the Death Star streaks by, with Imperial laserfire shooting toward them. INT. RED LEADER’S COCKPIT
    Sylvester the Cat: Keep your eyes open for those fighters!
    Marvin the Martian: There’s too much interference!
    EXT. SPACE - DEATH STAR TRENCH Three X-wing fighters move in formation down the Death Star trench.
    MARVIN’S VOICE Red Five, can you see them from where you are?
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Taz looks down at the Death Star surface below.
    Taz: No sign of any… wait!
    INT. RED TEN’S COCKPIT Red Ten looks up and sees the Imperial fighters.
    Taz: (over headset) Coming in point three five.
    Marvin the Martian: I see them.
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Three TIE fighters, Vader flanked by two wingmen, dive in a tight formation. The sun reflects off their dominate solar fins as they loop toward the Death Star’s surface.
    INT. RED LEADER’S COCKPIT Red Leader pulls his targeting device in front of his eyes and makes several adjustments.
    Marvin the Martian: I’m in range.
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Marvin's spaceship moves up the Death Star trench.
    Marvin the Martian: Target’s coming up!
    Marvin looks at his computer target readout screen. He then looks into his targeting device.
    Marvin the Martian: Just hold them off for a few seconds.
    INT. DARTH VADER’S COCKPIT Vader adjusts his control lever and dives on the X-wing fighters.
    SFX: Sound Ideas, CARTOON, AIRPLANE - PROP PLANE POWER DIVE SCREAM (various pitches)
    VADER: Close up formation.
    EXT. DEATH STAR TRENCH The three TIE fighters move in formation across the Death Star surface.
    INT. RED LEADER’S COCKPIT Red Leader lines up his target on the targeting device cross hairs.
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Vader and his wingmen zoom down the trench.
    INT. DARTH VADER’S COCKPIT Vader rapidly approaches the two X-wings of Gossamer and Sylvester the Cat. Vader’s laser cannon flashes below the view of the front porthole. the X-wings show in the center of Vader’s computer screen.
    EXT. SPACE Red Twelve’s X-wing fighter is hit by Vader’s laserfire, and it explodes into flames against the trench.
    SFX: Space Lightning
    INT. RED TEN’S COCKPIT Red Ten works at his controls furiously, trying to avoid Vader’s fighter behind him.
    Gossamer (Red Ten): You’d better let her loose. They're right behind me!
    INT. RED LEADER’S COCKPIT Sylvester is concentrating on his targeting device.
    Sylvester the Cat: Almost there!
    INT. RED TEN’S COCKPIT. Gossamer panics.
    Gossamer (Red Ten): I can’t hold them!
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Vader and his wingmen whip through the trench in pursuit of the Rebel fighters.
    INT. DARTH VADER’S COCKPIT Vader cooly pushes the fire button on his control stick.
    INT. MARVIN’S COCKPIT Darth Vader’s well-aimed laserfire proves to be unavoidable, and strikes Gossamer’s ship. Gossamer screams in anguish and pain.
    EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Marvin the Martian and Daffy Duck zooms across the trench and Gossamer’s ship explodes and bursts into flames.
    INT. RED LEADER’S COCKPIT Grimly, Sylvester the Cat takes careful aim and watches his computer targeting device, which shows the target lined up in the cross hairs.
    Sylvester the Cat: Eat space dust!
    INT. RED LEADER’S COCKPIT Sylvester the Cat pushes the fire button on the control stick.
    Sylvester the Cat: It’s away!
    INT. DEATH STAR An armed Imperial stormtrooper is knocked to the floor from the attack explosion. Other troopers scurrying about the corridors are knocked against the wall and lose their balance.
    INT. DISCO VOLCANO - CONTROL ROOM Yosemite Sam stare at the computer screen.
    DAFFY DUCK’S VOICE: (over speaker) It’s a hit!
    Sylvester the Cat: (over speaker) Negative.
    INT. RED LEADER’S COCKPIT Sylvester the Cat looks back at the receding Death Star. Tiny explosions are visible in the distance.
    Sylvester the Cat: Negative! It didn’t go in. It just impacted on the surface.
    EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR - TIE FIGHTER Darth Vader peels off in pursuit as Red Leader’s X-wing and Marvin's Spaceship passes the Death Star horizon.
    INT. DARTH VADER’S COCKPIT Vader swings his ship around for the next kill.
    SFX: SKYWALKER, SCI-FI GUN - TIE FIGHTER GUN (7x, hissing sound only)
    Taz: (over headset) Taz think we’re right above you. Turn to point…
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Taz tries to spot Elmer Fudd. He looks down at the Death Star surface.
    Taz: …oh-five; we’ll cover for you.
    Elmer Fudd (over headset) Stay there…
    INT. RED LEADER’S COCKPIT A wary Elmer Fudd looks about nervously.
    Elmer Fudd …I just lost my starboard engine.
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Taz looks excitedly toward Red Leader’s X-wing.
    Elmer Fudd: (over headset) Get set up for your attack run.
    INT. DARTH VADER’S COCKPIT Vader’s gloved hands make contact with the control sticks, and he presses their firing buttons.
    INT. RED LEADER’S COCKPIT Elmer Fudd fights to gain control of his ship.
    SFX: SKYWALKER EXPLOSION 07 (various pitches)
    EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Laserbolts are flung from Vader’s TIE fighter, connecting with Red Leader’s Rebel X-wing fighter. Elmer Fudd buys it, creating a tremendous explosion far below.
    Elmer Fudd: Oh, crud.
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Taz looks out the window of his X-wing at the explosion far below. For the first time, he feels the helplessness of his situation.
    INT. DEATH STAR Grand Moff Tarkin casts a sinister eye at the computer screen.
    DEATH STAR INTERCOM VOICE: Rebel base, one minute and closing.
    INT. DISCO VOLCANO - CONTROL ROOM Yosemite Sam walks to the controls of the keypad.
    TAZ: (over speaker) Biggs, Wedge, let’s close it up. We’re going in. We’re going in full throttle.
    INT. WEDGE’S COCKPIT The horizon twists as Daffy begins to pull out.
    Daffy: Right with you, buster.
    EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR The two X-wings peel off against a background of stars and dive toward the Death Star.
    Marvin the Martain: Foolish Earth Creature, at that speed will you be able to pull out in time?
    TAZ: It’ll be just like Beggar’s Canyon back home.
    EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR The three X-wings move in with Marvin's spaceship and a Naboo fighter, unleashing a barrage of laserfire. Laserbolts are returned from the Death Star.
    INT. BIGGS’ COCKPIT Taz's invasion plan struggles with his controls.
    Marvin the Martain: We’ll stay back far enough to cover you.
    INT. LUKE’S COCKPIT Flak and laserbolts flash outside Luke’s cockpit window.
    Sylvester the Cat: (over headset) My scope shows the tower, but I can’t see the exhaust port! Are you sure the computer can hit it?
    EXT. DEATH STAR - GUN EMPLACEMENTS The Death Star laser cannon slowly rotates as it shoots laserbolts.
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Taz looks around for the Imperial TIE fighters. He thinks for a moment and then moves his targeting device into position.
    Taz: Watch yourself! Increase speed full throttle!
    INT. WEDGE’S COCKPIT Wedge looks excitedly about for any sign of the TIE fighters.
    Sylvester the Cat: What about the tower?
    TAZ: You worry about those fighters! I’ll worry about the tower!
    EXT. DEATH STAR SURFACE Luke’s X-wing streaks through the trench, firing lasers.
    (Vader adjusts his controls and fires laserbolts at two X-wings flying down the trench. He scores a direct hit on Sylvester.)
    (Yosemite Sam in the Disco Volcano is looking around the secret cameras.)
    Sylvester the Cat: (over speaker) Sufferin' Succotash! I’m hit! I can’t stay with you.
    Taz: (over speaker) Get clear. You can’t do any more good back there!
    Sylvester the Cat: Stuffed rodent!
    (EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Sylvester pulls his crippled X-wing back away from the battle.)
    (INT. DARTH VADER’S COCKPIT Darth Vader watches the escape but issues a command to his wingmen.)
    Vader: Let him go! Stay on the leader!
    EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Darth Vader and his wingmen race through the Death Star trench. Wile moves in to cover for Taz, Marvin and Daffy, but Vader gains on him.
    (INT. BIGGS’ COCKPIT Wile E. Coyote sees the TIE fighter aiming at him.)
    (INT. DARTH VADER’S COCKPIT Darth Vader squeezes the fire button on his controls.)
    SFX: SKYWALKER, SCI-FI GUN - TIE FIGHTER GUN (2x, hissing sound)
    (Wile E. Coyote holds a sign that reads "OOPS!")
    (INT. BIGGS’ COCKPIT Wile E. Coyote’s cockpit explodes around him, lighting him in red.)
    (EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Wile E. Coyote's ship bursts into a million flaming bits and scatters across the surface.)
    INT. DISCO VOLCANO - CONTROL ROOM Yosemite Sam stare at the secret cameras.
    (INT. LUKE’S X-WING COCKPIT Taz is stunned by the control panel. His eyes are watering, but his anger is also growing.)
    (INT. DEATH STAR - CONTROL ROOM Grand Moff Tarkin watches the projected target screen with satisfaction.)
    DEATH STAR INTERCOM VOICE: Rebel base, thirty seconds and closing.
    INT. DARTH VADER’S COCKPIT Darth Vader takes aim on Taz and talks to the wingmen.
    Vader: I’m on the leader.
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR - LUKE’S SHIP Taz’s ship streaks through the trench of the Death Star.
    INT. DISCO VOLCANO - CONTROL ROOM Yosemite Sam returns to the security camera of Taz and doubtful glances with solid, grim determination. Yosemite Sam seems furious.
    Yosemite Sam: This varmint's costing me a fortune!
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING - COCKPIT Taz concentrates on his targeting device.
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Three TIE fighters charge away down the trench toward Taz, Daffy Duck and Marvin the Martian.
    INT. DARTH VADER’S COCKPIT Vader’s finger’s curls around the control stick.
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING - COCKPIT Taz adjusts the lens of his targeting device.
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Luke’s ship charges down the trench.
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING - COCKPIT Taz lines up the yellow cross-hair lines of the targeting device’s screen. He looks into the targeting device, then starts at a voice he hears.
    TWEETY’S VOICE Use the Force, Puddy Taz.
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR The Death Star trench zooms by.
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING - COCKPIT Luke looks up, then starts to look back into the targeting device. He has second thoughts.
    TWEETY’S VOICE Let go, Puddy Taz.
    A grim determination sweeps across Taz’s face as he closes his eyes and starts to mumble Tweety’s training to himself.
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Luke’s fighter streaks through the trench.
    VADER: The Force is strong with this one!
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Darth Vader follows Luke’s X-wing down the trench.
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING - COCKPIT Taz looks to the targeting device, then away as he hears Tweety’s voice.
    TWEETY’S VOICE Puddy Taz, trust me.
    (Taz’s hand reaches for the control panel and presses the button. The targeting device moves away.)
    INT. DISCO VOLCANO - CONTROL ROOM Yosemite Sam stand watching the secret screen.
    BASE VOICE (over speaker) His computer’s off. Luke, you switched off your targeting computer. What’s wrong?
    TAZ: (over speaker) Nothing. Taz all right.
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Luke’s ship streaks ever close to the exhaust port.
    Daffy Duck: Goodness knows, I-I've done that. That's strange.
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING - COCKPIT Taz looks at the Death Star surface streaking by.
    EXT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER Artoo-Detoo turns his head from side to side, beeping in anticipation.
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR The three TIE fighters, manned by Darth Vader and his two wingmen, follow Luke’s X-wing down the trench.
    INT. DARTH VADER’S COCKPIT Darth Vader maneuvers his controls as he looks at his doomed target. He presses the fire buttons on his control sticks. Laserfire shoots toward Luke’s X-wing fighter.
    EXT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER A large burst of Vader’s laserfire engulfs Artoo. The arms go limp on the smoking little droid as he makes a high-pitched sound.
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Taz looks frantically back over his shoulder at Artoo.
    EXT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER Smoke billows out around little Artoo and sparks begin to fly.
    Taz: Taz lost Artoo!
    Artoo’s beeping sounds die out.
    INT. DISCO VOLCANO - CONTROL ROOM Yosemite Sam stare intently at the projected screen, while he watches the cameras. Lights representing the Death Star and targets glow brightly.
    MASSASSI INTERCOM VOICE: The Death Star has cleared the planet. The Death Star has cleared the planet.
    INT. DEATH STAR - CONTROL ROOM Tarkin glares at the projected target screen.
    DEATH STAR INTERCOM VOICE: Rebel base, in range.
    TARKIN: You may fire when ready.
    DEATH STAR INTERCOM VOICE: Commence primary ignition.
    An officer reaches up and pushes buttons on the control panel, as green lighted buttons turn to red.
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR The three TIE fighters zoom down the Death Star trench in pursuit of Taz, never breaking formation.
    INT. LUKE’S COCKPIT Taz looks anxiously at the exhaust port.
    INT. DARTH VADER’S COCKPIT Darth Vader adjusts his control sticks, checking his projected targeting screen.
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Luke’s ship barrels down the trench.
    INT. DARTH VADER’S COCKPIT Vader’s targeting computer swings around into position. Vader takes careful aim on Luke’s X-wing fighter.
    VADER: I have you now.
    He pushes the fire buttons.
    (EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR The three TIE fighters move in on Taz.)
    (As Vader’s center fighter unleashes a volley of laserfire, one of the TIE ships at his side is hit and explodes into flame. The two remaining ships continue to move in.)
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Taz looks about, wondering whose laserfire destroyed Vader’s wingman.
    INT. DARTH VADER’S COCKPIT Vader is taken by surprise, and looks out from his cockpit.
    Vader: What?
    INT. DARTH VADER’S WINGMAN - COCKPIT Vader’s wingman searches around him trying to locate the unknown attacker.
    (EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Daffy looks about, wondering Bugs Bunny in the carrot-shaped spaceship)
    Daffy Duck: You're despicable!
    INT. BUGS BUNNY'S CARROT SPACESHIP - COCKPIT Bugs grin from ear to ear.
    Bugs Bunny: (yelling) Here we go!
    (EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR The carrot-shaped spaceship heads right at the two TIE fighters and firing laserbolts. It’s a collision course.)
    (INT. WINGMAN’S COCKPIT The wingman spots the pirateship coming at him and warns the Dark Lord.)
    WINGMAN Look out!
    EXT. DEATH STAR TRENCH Vader’s wingman panics at the sight of the oncoming pirate starship and veers radically to one side, colliding with Vader’s TIE fighter in the process. Vader’s wingman crashes into the side wall of the trench and explodes. Vader’s damaged ship spins out of the trench with a damaged wing.
    EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Vader’s ship spins out of control with a bent solar fin, heading for deep space.
    INT. DARTH VADER’S COCKPIT Vader turns round and round in circles as his ship spins into space.
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Bugs’ carrot ship moves in toward the Death Star trench.
    INT. BUGS BUNNY'S CARROT SPACESHIP - COCKPIT Bugs, smiling, speaks to Taz over his headset mike.
    Bugs: (into mike) You’re all clear.
    INT. DISCO VOLCANO - CONTROL ROOM Yosemite Sam is listen to Bugs Bunny’s transmission.
    Bugs: (over speaker) Now let’s blow this thing and go home!
    INT. BUGS BUNNY'S CARROT SPACESHIP - COCKPIT Bugs, steering the control stick, flying off through hyperspace.
    Bugs: (into mike) Ain't I a stinker?
    (INT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Taz looks up and smiles. He concentrates on the exhaust port, then fires his laser torpedoes.)
    EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Luke’s torpedoes shoot toward the port and seems to simply disappear into the surface and not explode. But the shots do find their mark and have gone into the exhaust port and are heading for the main reactor.
    INT. LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Taz throws his head back in relief.
    INT. DEATH STAR An Imperial soldier runs to the control panel board and pulls the attack lever as the board behind him lights up.
    INTERCOM VOICE: Stand by.
    EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Two X-wings, a Y-wing, Marvin's spaceship, Naboo, and the pirateship race toward Yavin in the distance.
    INT. DEATH STAR Several Imperial soldiers, flanking a pensive Grand Moff Tarkin, busily push control levers and buttons.
    INTERCOM VOICE: Standing by.
    The rumble of a distant explosion begins.
    EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR The Rebel ships race out of sight, leaving the moon-like Death Star alone against a blanket of stars. Several small flashes appear on the surface.
    The Death Star bursts into a supernova, creating a spectacular heavenly display.

  • In the fourth/final boss level "Disco Volcano", Taz fights Yosemite Sam with lightsabers in the Disco Volcano is a reference the fight between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader during the Duel on Cloud City in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back:
    Taz: "Uh-oh!"
    (Taz is on a Star Wars-style battle and pulls out a lightsaber, while Yosemite Sam pulls out his own saber)
    [Taz turns on a lightsaber]
    (Taz swings his lightsaber (light blue) around)
    Yosemite Sam: "You're not getting away this time! Ya hear me?"
    [Yosemite Sam turns on his lightsaber]
    Yosemite Sam: I think we've got 'em running scared!
    (Yosemite Sam swings his red lightsaber around)
    Taz: "Ay-yi-yi!"
    (Taz swings his lightsaber (light blue) and clashes into Yosemite Sam's red lightsaber)
    Taz: You'll find Taz full of surprises.
    (Taz swings his lightsaber (light blue) around)
    Yosemite Sam: "Why you oughta!"
    (Taz swings his lightsaber (light blue) around)
    (Yosemite Sam swings his red lightsaber around)
    Yosemite Sam: If you only knew the power of the Yosemite Park and Zoo, not unlike the Dark Side.
    Taz: (gibberish)
    (Taz swings his lightsaber (light blue) and clashes into Yosemite Sam's red lightsaber)
    Yosemite Sam: "Stop that, you, you, you critter!"
  • After the fourth/final boss level "Disco Volcano" ends with Yosemite Sam falls down and being burned alive by lava, which is a reference to Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.


  • The green and red lightsabers appear in the shop.

Ultima I: The First Age of Darkness[]

  • During the space part, the player is required to fight TIE Fighters.

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines[]

  • In Chinatown, when releasing a girl from captivity of a gang of local thugs known as the Tong, she will reply: "Aren't you a little tall for a Tong"? A clear reference to Leia's line to Luke in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope when he comes to release her from captivity on the Death Star.

Vandal Hearts[]

  • One boss character is named "Lando".

Vandal Hearts II[]

  • In the city of Yuggor, a character tries to run interference by speaking to the main protagonist in a manner similar to that of Yoda: "Going we are to a pub. Join us, you will!"

Viewtiful Joe[]

  • In the final chapter of the game, the main antagonist, King Blue -whose true identity is Captain Blue- reveals to Sylvia that he is her father. This is an obvious reference to Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. One of the posters shown in the ending credits is even a reference to Episode IV: A New Hope.

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos[]

  • Various units say quotes from the Star Wars movies when you click over them.

World of Warcraft[]

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade[]

  • Toshley's Station is a location in Blade's Edge Mountains, an obvious reference to Tosche Station. It also features a robot named R-3D0, a combination of R2-D2 and C-3PO, who claims to be fluent in three languages. One of the first quests available in Tochley's Station is "Picking Up Some Power Converters". The quest rewards you with an item called a Power Converter, the description of which reads "Use: Destroys technological terror constructs" and "The next best thing to going to the Academy".
  • Banthar is an NPC in Nagrand and the object of the quest Clefthoof Mastery. This creature is obviously a reference to Banthas on Luke Skywalker's home planet of Tatooine.
  • In the PvP area of Halaa, in Nagrand, the Halaa Blade Merchants are called Coreiel when Horde controlled and Aldraan when Alliance controlled.
  • The Alliance NPC Baron Sablemane gives a quest named "It's a Trap!" in reference to Admiral Ackbar's line in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King[]

Xenoblade Chronicles[]

  • In the game Xenoblade Chronicles, there is a place called Gaur Plains and its theme music has a very similar beat and sound to that of the ending music in Star Wars VI Return of the Jedi.


  • Sentenced to death, Rico is forced to fight a monster called a "Rancer". Rico defeats the Rancer and escapes, just like Luke defeats the Rancor in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
  • There is a group of enemies that resemble the Tusken Raiders.
  • One of the main villains turns out to be Fei's long-lost father. Before dying, the villain redeems himself in much the same way Anakin Skywalker was redeemed.
  • Enemies known as "Solaris Guards" wear white armor and are armed with blasters, reminiscent of the Imperial stormtroopers.
  • The main character is briefly imprisoned in carbonite.

Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht[]

  • Many people aboard the Woglinde say they "have a bad feeling about this" before the Geonosis attack and destroy the ship.

Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse[]

  • Jr. says "I have a bad feeling about this" just before The Elsa encounters an Ormus Stronghold, a massive space station that they must destroy from the inside.

Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra[]

  • Jr. says "I have a bad feeling about this".
  • The Red Testament uses a power similar to Force lightning on Allen.

Xenosaga: Pied Piper[]

  • Mikhail Ortmann warns Jan Sauer to be careful during his dive into UMN virtual reality because he has "a bad feeling about this."

Yo-kai Watch 2[]

  • The Charming-tribe Yo-kai Master Nyada is a obvious parody to Master Yoda. He worships the "Hose", which is a reference to the Force (although the Hose is just a literal hose, and near the end of Chapter 9 he even prompts "Use the Hose!" similar to Yoda's famous quote "Use the Force!"), and his Soultimate is named "The Hose", which shows up as a lighting discharge similar to Emperor Palpatine's attack on Luke.
    • In addition, there are three sidequests named "Nyada's Trials IV", "Nyada's Trials V", and "Nyada's Trials VI" (in which he quotes "May the Hose be with you", a striking reference to the famous line "May the Force be with you" and Whisper retorts with a similar explanation to the Force in Star Wars), which should be completed as part of Chapter 9 of the main story, which are a reference to the Original Trilogy of Star Wars.
      • Another set of sidequests named "Nyada's Trials I" (in which he even says to the player character "You are one with the Hose", another reference to Yoda's quotes, and at the end, he states "Could it be... could this be the one?" another quote reference, this time to Obi-Wan Kenobi. He also says a meta-example reference quote: "I forgot how serious some people are about spoilers"), "Nyada's Trials II", and "Nyada's Trials III" (at the end of which he quotes "You are a new hop-er, a new hero" in reference to Yoda and Luke, and shortly after he quotes "I see you still have much to learn in the way of manners" in reference to Yoda's exchange with Count Dooku, followed with "I see a disturbance in the Hose" clearly refering Yoda's quote about a Disturbance in the Force), which are references to the Prequel Trilogy, to which he meta-quotes, "These sorts of things are always trilogies".

Yo-kai Watch Busters[]

  • The Shady-tribe Yo-kai Usapyon has two power-up modes whose Japanese names reference Darth Vader and the Emperor.
    • In the anime, each time Usapyon enters Vader Mode, his leitmotif (which is even named "VADER MODE" in the soundtrack which was only released in Japan) references the Imperial March.
  • In the Moon Rabbit Team Update, there is a mission named "BUSTERS WAR", which in the mission select screen has a logo similar to Star Wars, and even sports an intro styled after the ones in the movies. In addition, the Boss fought there, Captain Thunder, in order to assume his most powerful form, he activates a device similar to the Death Star to shoot at him, the only difference being not obliterating anything but part of his spacesuit.

Online MMO's[]

  • In the very popular MMORPG, TornCity, there is an item called 'Yoda figurine.'
  • In Neopets, when one gets a 404 Error, two messages say "The 404 will be with you, always" and "I find your lack of page disturbing". Also in the Neoboards for the Altador Cup, a Sith mention was made.
  • In Wizard101, the main villain of the game, Malistare, is evil because his wife died. This is similar to Anakin Skywalker turning to the dark Side to save Padmé Amidala. Malastare is also the name of a planet in the galaxy.
  • In RuneScape, if you have the amulet of catspeak, a cat, and talk to Bob the Jagex Cat, the conversation is a reference to Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.
  • In HeroSmash there is a helmet called J9-fett which bears a resemblance to the helmet of Boba Fett.
  • In War Metal Tyrant, there is a Raider unit called a Rancor, and the Imperial Cards Nimbus, Quad Walker, and Devastator resemble a Lucrehulk Battleship, AT-AT, and AT-ST respectively.
  • In Pirate101, the charactor Bonnie Anne says "So this is Gullet, what an interesting smell they've discovered." Also, the Clockwork Armada, the main villains of the game, are an army of military automatons, a possible refrance to Battle droids. Also in this game, during the character creation, choosing Scrimshaw as were you were raised will trigger the following text: Mr. Gandry: "Ah, Scrimshaw... a wretched hive of scum and, ah... how you say?" Boochbeard: "Villany?" Referencing Obi-wan's comment on Mos Eisley.

See also[]
